Topic: Around Here

Rescue…on the way…

Written on March 16, 2010 at 11:25 pm, by

This is a neat consolidation of forces…here’s more from Mike Close: New Assistance Option for Local Boaters Friday Harbor Marine and Towline Marine Assist are pleased to announce a unique partnership to serve the boating community in the San Juan Islands.  The two companies will work jointly to meet on the water towing and mechanical  Continue Reading

Music at the Bean this Saturday….

Written on March 16, 2010 at 12:36 pm, by

Over the past few months I’ve gotten to know a talented singer & songwriter named Britt Arnesen from Alaska who’s been staying here on the island with her son Canyon.  She goes by 907Britt when she performs…I like her music, and I’m thinking you will, too. So we’re going to do an evening at The  Continue Reading

Census rolls out…

Written on March 16, 2010 at 10:07 am, by

Looks like the once-a-decade Census is underway, as the forms were mailed out this week. You’ll probably be seeing ’em in your mailbox – be sure & fill them out & return them, so we can get a good count. Here’s more from the Associated Press about the national picture. And here’s a local look  Continue Reading

What we look like…

Written on March 16, 2010 at 9:08 am, by

It’s always fun to see the island you love in photos…Wendell Beitzel was here over the weekend of the sixth, and he took some awesome photos of the birds & the harbor & the westside & of his girlfriend Renee. And more. Take a moment to look through these…you’ll be glad you did! (Check ’em  Continue Reading

Captain Smartypants

Written on March 16, 2010 at 7:39 am, by

These guys are coming this weekend, and David Bentley started me off with sending a couple of videos of them singing Jingle Bells and Dreidel. Like you’ve never heard the songs before….this is going to be a fun show! Jan from the Community Theatre has more: Get ready to laugh and enjoy the sounds of  Continue Reading

Around the island….

Written on March 15, 2010 at 10:49 am, by

Let’s see what’s going on around here: • You were probably late to work today if you forget to re-set your clock for Daylight Savings Time. Hope you enjoyed sleeping in. Next up: Equinox, this coming weekend. • I hear former island girl Kristina Thalacker is engaged to her sweetie Patrick Ewing (not the NBA  Continue Reading

Sivers: I don’t need to worry about you

Written on March 15, 2010 at 10:03 am, by

Each of us has a story about something we remember and treasure about our grandparents. Here’s a little memory (and affirmation) from Derek Sivers: We called my grandfather Papa Bill (as my mom called her grandfather Papa Bill, too.) He’d been in bad health for years.  A few years of false-alarms, but this time he  Continue Reading

Finally…a new car for the chief

Written on March 15, 2010 at 9:52 am, by

The Town’s Fire Chief now has a new command vehicle…but there’s more to getting it than you might think. Personally, I have a soft spot for people who won’t take “no” for an answer…here’s more from Rick Galer (who is the department’s unofficial historian): Three years ago when Chief Vern Long was hired as Town  Continue Reading

Looking over to the Marine Labs….

Written on March 15, 2010 at 9:42 am, by

Looks like we may have a grey week, but it has been pretty nice the last couple of months (Last week, someone said, “Looks like it’s spring, again.”)

One door leads to another….

Written on March 15, 2010 at 9:17 am, by

Over the past few months, Rob Simpson has been setting up the open mike at the Doctor’s Office each Saturady (and other stuff)…but here’s a side of him you might not have known about: Island Resident Opening Some New Doors After a lifetime as a musician and an independent producer in Los Angeles, new San  Continue Reading

Around here…

Written on March 12, 2010 at 8:46 am, by

Let’s see what’s going on: • You know Daylight Savings Time kicks in this weekend, but that’s not the only change of hours – Islanders Bank is opening up a little more, too, starting on Monday – you’ll like this: check it here. • Emily Reed has been doing Emily’s Guides since the early 1990s,  Continue Reading

Time for spring planting…

Written on March 10, 2010 at 8:53 pm, by

Hey, you’re gonna get out in the garden this weekend (I know you are), so why not put some rhodies in? Here’s the scoop from Mary & Smithy about how you can start: Ryan’s Rhodies for sale: ~ Rhododendrons! We have many varieties, colors, & sizes, ranging from 18” to 4’ tall. PJM’s are in  Continue Reading

Around the island….

Written on March 10, 2010 at 12:36 am, by

Here’s a few bits for you: • He’s one of the elders of the tribe, and one of the finest gentlemen on island. It was cool to see Howard Schonberger out for dinner last night with Helen & friends for his 89th birthday at the Golden Triangle. He told me he’s looking forward to it  Continue Reading

Notes from the people around here…

Written on March 9, 2010 at 1:55 am, by

Most of this is hearsay & innuendo: • Babies on the way: Stephanie Walker says she hit 20 weeks last week, and proud papa Tom Pemberton tells me both Elliot & Mari have kids on the way in the late spring. • Speaking of babies – it’s been great to hear that Nancy & Dave  Continue Reading

Ace nearly ready to open….

Written on March 9, 2010 at 12:02 am, by

Last night I got the chance to see behind the red door coverings & see what’s been going on inside Ace Hardware. Gotta say – wow. Donny Galt has hired a friendly staff, the shelves are nearly all stocked, and it’s pretty impressive what he & the Anacortes store (they work together) have pulled together.  Continue Reading

What the marina looks like, if you’re the sun….

Written on March 8, 2010 at 12:19 pm, by

Ever wonder what the marina looks like on a sunny day from the air? Art Smith from Argyle House went flying with Todd Gardner on Saturday…he tells me Jennifer (his wife) and son Rick were along, too. He shot this with his little Nikon SLR. Rick said he had never been up in a plane  Continue Reading