Topic: Around Here

One of the best ten…in the country!

Written on February 4, 2010 at 12:46 am, by

I love it when good people get recognition for the super job they do – Michael & John at Wildwood Manor have been named to Trip Advisor’s Top Ten list. This is awesome, and I feel lucky to get the chance to tell you about it. Here’s more, from Trip Advisor: Wildwood Manor, a bed-and-breakfast  Continue Reading

And a good night was had by all….

Written on February 4, 2010 at 12:41 am, by

A good-sized crowd sat in on Harry Manx’s show last night at the Community Theatre, and he did a super job of offering up a spell-binding evening of great music…he can make those guitars sing! So, to start your day, here’s a song for you from Harry (you’ll recognize it!):


Written on February 4, 2010 at 12:17 am, by

It’s a sad thing to lose your brother…Ellen Johnson has lost hers. Here’s the rest of the story: Kurt Daniel Johnson (April 16, 1959 ~ January 20, 2010) was born and raised in the community of Ballard in Seattle Washington.  His love for the outdoors began with time spent at the family cabin on Lake  Continue Reading

An artist at heart….

Written on February 4, 2010 at 12:00 am, by

It was cool to run into Leah Altman last night – she showed me this double-breasted blue coat that she made from scratch. Pretty awesome…way to go, Leah!


Written on February 3, 2010 at 7:19 pm, by

Just got this flash from Seanene at the Village at the Harbour: Betty Bruce celebrated her 96th birthday today! Betty has lived at Village at the Harbour since April 2008. Her brilliant smile is contagious and she fills our hearts with love each day.  Happy Birthday, Betty! Love, The staff and residents at the Village

Father/Daughter Dance…it’s this week!

Written on February 2, 2010 at 10:01 pm, by

It’s a cool deal – papas on the island can take their favorite girls (or girls!) out for the evening at the Father/Daughter Dance this Friday at the Mullis Center, sponsored by Island Rec. This is the fifth year of the event (I got to DJ the first couple with my son Shay & it  Continue Reading


Written on February 2, 2010 at 8:15 pm, by

Leah Lawson tells me the celebration of life for Richard Lawson is this Saturday at one…his passing at the age of 66 has been a big shock to this community, and he is much missed. Here’s more: Richard Lee Lawson was born September 30, 1944 in Friday Harbor WA to Gilbert and Geraldine Lawson. Richard  Continue Reading

You & me, baby….

Written on February 2, 2010 at 6:41 pm, by

Thought you’d like this song by the Dave Mathews Band….nice Valentine to ya, & yours….

Harry is coming to town…

Written on February 2, 2010 at 12:01 am, by

I sure like Harry Manx’s music, and I’ll bet you will, too – he’s playing Wednesday at the Community Theatre. Here’s more about him (including some of his songs) & here’s the scoop on tickets & such.

Island notes….

Written on February 1, 2010 at 3:23 am, by

It was a great weekend, with lots of little things afoot… • Just got this note from Lenore – wahoo! Jacob Seiler’s parents are proud to announce his engagement to Pamella Correia Sanches of Brazil.  Jacob has been traveling and working in Brazil for the past 9 months.  His parents are John Stamey and Lenore  Continue Reading

A call for inspiration….

Written on February 1, 2010 at 12:46 am, by

Liz Illg has more: The San Juan Islands Scenic Byway and San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau Announce: Invitation to attend a Public Workshop and A Call for Inspiration The public is invited to attend a community workshop on the development of a corridor management plan (CMP) for the San Juan Islands Scenic Byway. A CMP  Continue Reading

Harry Manx!

Written on February 1, 2010 at 12:12 am, by

My good friend Ryan Browne was sending this note around to folks to tell us what a good idea tonight’s show is. Harry Manx is the real deal…hope you can work it in. Here’s more from Ryan: “For once, it is accurate to say that an artist is truly unique. You will remember his performance  Continue Reading

New stuff….

Written on January 29, 2010 at 5:23 pm, by

A friend of mine once said she hoped I could see each day as new, so I tried to that today…here’s some new things around town: • Over at the Naked Bean, Kaia has hired Anna (she’s the coordinator at the co-op), and it’s good to see the tradition of hiring friendly, smiling people remains  Continue Reading

Fun to see the kids….

Written on January 29, 2010 at 1:22 am, by

You know, there’s a lot to like about the way Mari is running Pazzo Vivo these days, from the food to the service to the focus she’s putting on having entertainment most nights there. I’ve been to the last couple of open mikes, and I like that there is a wide range of folks performing,  Continue Reading

Island talk…

Written on January 29, 2010 at 1:11 am, by

This is what folks are talking about this morning…. • I checked with the school district Thursday morning & discovered the school board offered Rick Thompson the superintendent job here on Wednesday night. Cool… I like curriculum guys, and I thought Rick presented himself as articulate & thoughtful with a heart on Tuesday night when  Continue Reading


Written on January 29, 2010 at 12:12 am, by

Peggy Long just told me that her mom just passed away at the Convalescent Center – I’m glad she’s sharing this with all of us, and best wishes & sympathy to you, Peggy in this difficult time. Here’s more: Jule E. McElvain (August 19, 1928 – January 17, 2010), of Friday Harbor, Washington passed away  Continue Reading