Topic: Around Here

Around the island….

Written on January 28, 2010 at 12:01 am, by

What a week we’ve had….starting with spring weather in January, and carrying on from there… • It’s not surprising to hear that islander Jim Maya went out with Western Prince & Ivan yesterday…the trick is – that’s in San Diego. Capt. Jim & Capt. Ivan saw zillions of dolphins off THAT coast… • There is a  Continue Reading

Another FHHS grad does good…

Written on January 27, 2010 at 11:05 pm, by

I’ve been wondering what Cal & Mary Karen Ryan’s son Tyler has been up to – the FHHS graduate (’01) attended Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, where he earned both his degree & masters, and now has embarked on an exciting project in Portland, which includes the head-writer of The Laramie Project. Tyler was one  Continue Reading

Ballot wording addressed…to make it clearer…

Written on January 27, 2010 at 10:44 pm, by

When you got your ballot last week (remember to vote! & mail it in!), were you a bit confused about what the EMS levy part said? Here’s more from the committee supporting that one: Dear Ian, After some feedback from the community, the ballot wording for our EMS Levy renewal appears to be confusing for  Continue Reading


Written on January 27, 2010 at 10:13 pm, by

Ron Garner just wrote with the sad news: Susan Meredith, of San Juan Island, passed away peacefully on the evening of January 26th, 2010. She has loved the San Juan Islands for most of her life and has been a resident and enjoyed living in the island community for 30 years. Susan was 91 years  Continue Reading


Written on January 26, 2010 at 2:25 am, by

Just heard that Richard Lawson passed away today…I’ll post more soon. In the meantime…what a loss to the community.

Around town, around the island….

Written on January 26, 2010 at 12:09 am, by

Just don’t tell anyone there’s nothing to do around here…. • Maude Cumming from the School District says the fellow they’re looking closely at to be the new superintendent is here tomorrow for you to meet – here’s more: There will be a Community Forum to meet Superintendent Candidate Rick Thompson from Lynden on Tuesday  Continue Reading

Desi makes the final four….

Written on January 25, 2010 at 4:29 pm, by

Carol Whalen just sent over this little writeup about her ace daughter Desi, who you’ll remember played Sandy in Grease last year at FHHS (she was awesome, by the way)…look likes she’s a state finalist – here’s more: FHHS junior Desi Whalen of Friday Harbor has been selected as one of the four finalists to  Continue Reading

News around the island….

Written on January 25, 2010 at 2:34 am, by

There’s plenty happening…. • Penelope Garrett from Friday Harbor will be one of the posthumous recipients of the Congressional Gold Medals for service during World War II for her service as a WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots). The honor was approved Congress & the President last year. Here’s more, from the Seattle Times. • Claudia’s  Continue Reading

Island-related babies….

Written on January 25, 2010 at 2:02 am, by

Got a couple of babies to tell ya about… I wrote Thlayla Potter after her bro Jesse told me she had her baby (the due date was, I believe, on the 7th), and she replied with the story, which I believe she keyboarded with one hand while holding Camden: Baby Camden Lee Potter was born  Continue Reading

Grange delivers dictionaries to local third-graders…

Written on January 25, 2010 at 1:16 am, by

Last week kids on the island got a surprise when folks showed up at school to give them a free dictionary…here’s more from the Grange’s Frank Penwell: On Friday, January 22, 2010 when passing out dictionaries to the 3rd grade students at Friday Harbor Elementary School, Paideia School, and Stillpoint School, Pomona Grange Master Richard  Continue Reading

Around the island & in our hearts….

Written on January 24, 2010 at 10:34 am, by

Did you know….? • I hear our new postmaster is Randy Bennett – he’s been in & out as he settles in on the island, but drop by & say hey! I also hear that our old postdude Dan Fleming likes it in Oak Harbor but misses us – he was spotted putting plants out,  Continue Reading

Around here….

Written on January 21, 2010 at 1:21 pm, by

There are all kinds of stuff happening around here…here’s a start: • It was Tallulah’s fourth birthday last night, so everyone at the Community Dinner & the band sang happy birthday for her – she was beaming throughout. Here’s a picture of her & Laurie when she was seven weeks old (click here, and scroll  Continue Reading

Song & Dance this weekend….

Written on January 21, 2010 at 12:42 pm, by

The show is this weekend…here’s more from Jan at the Theatre & Linda from Dance Workshop II – first, from Jan: The Whittier stage will be overflowing with professional and island talents this Saturday at 7:30 pm and Sunday at 2:00 pm during the 2010 Winter Song & Dance Festival. Dance Workshop II’s Linda Downes  Continue Reading

Golden sunshine…

Written on January 21, 2010 at 12:28 pm, by

The sun was golden as it rose over Griffin Bay this morning….this is the view from the end of Pelican Way.


Written on January 21, 2010 at 10:42 am, by

Ran into Wayne Pullman yesterday and he told me about his wife Ann’s passing last week on Saturday. He spent her last ten days in the hospital room with her, holding her hand & being with her…they were married 36 years, and she is survived by him & their kids, Michael & Shelley.  Her funeral  Continue Reading

New head at United Way….

Written on January 20, 2010 at 10:18 pm, by

When Bonnie Gilmore mentioned last autumn she was stepping down as the County’s United Way executive director, it was hard to image who could replace her AND do such a great job. Looks like we did OK, as Joy Goldberg has stepped into Bonnie’s spot & brings a wealth of enthusiasm & experience to the  Continue Reading