Topic: Around Here

Drop-in clinic for flu shots…

Written on January 5, 2010 at 9:47 am, by

Today & Thursday you can go by San Juan Healthcare for your flu shots – SHHC’s Susan Murfin says these are covered by Medicare. Here’s more about the clinic, which is available from 1:30-4:30pm both days.

Probably going to a tea party…

Written on January 5, 2010 at 7:58 am, by

You can think what you want, but that’s just tea someone was buying at the Naked Bean the other day. Loose tea, in a bag.

Eagles and other wildlife at the Rocky Bay….

Written on January 4, 2010 at 10:59 am, by

I love Keith Van Cleve’s photography – he catches the majesty of eagles’ flight with his split-second timing & great eye for framing a shot, and has the patience to catch other birds in their natural habitat as well. It was cool to see that he and Jackie were hanging a show on the big  Continue Reading


Written on January 4, 2010 at 10:55 am, by

When I came home on the ferry last night on the last boat from Anacortes (I was coming from Lopez), we were surprised to find that the ferry folks in Friday Harbor had closed up the dock & gone home, apparently forgetting the schedule change that went into place this past weekend. So…we got to  Continue Reading

1.6 million pints later, Front Street Ale House heads into major remodel this week…

Written on January 4, 2010 at 10:48 am, by

When I heard from someone that the Front Street Ale House might be closing, I wanted to check on THAT…. when I went & asked Peggy & Oren about it, I was relieved to find that they’re closing this week for three months or so to completely remodel the inside of the place. I asked  Continue Reading

Running into old friends….

Written on January 4, 2010 at 10:40 am, by

It was good to see a couple of  grads from the Class of ’09 on the ferry last night before they went back to school – Jordan Nash (left, above) is heading back to Western Washington, while Jordyn Taylor returns to the Santa Cruz (CA) area to Cabrillo College.

Music in the night….

Written on January 4, 2010 at 8:02 am, by

The kids are alright – it was good to see a full house for Saucerful at Pazzo Vivo on Saturday night… The guys played two sets for nearly three hours, and it appears they just keep getting tighter.

Faces of 2009, of our island….

Written on January 2, 2010 at 4:57 am, by

Lots of people like to look back at the events of the year…I guess I prefer to look back over the folks that make up the tapestry this island weaves around us. Throughout the year, I get to put together galleries of people doing what we do here, so I thought I’d take a moment  Continue Reading

Islanders, visiting here & there…

Written on December 31, 2009 at 6:49 pm, by

It was cool to see Jill And Andy Urbach last night down at the ferry landing. Jill was seeing off her friend Tracy on the boat…the two of them were roommates during their first year of college, and it was great that Tracy got a chance to come up & visit this week. Other island  Continue Reading

For tonight….

Written on December 31, 2009 at 4:54 pm, by

Here are some ideas for New Year’s Eve (blue moon & all): • According to this article, bathing naked by the light of a blue moon is somehow good for you. Check it out. (Disclaimer: The writers are Canadian, who have a greater threshold for pushing the edge in cold weather…) • Bob Reilly at  Continue Reading

Words & phrases to dump for next year….

Written on December 31, 2009 at 4:33 pm, by

An article about over-used & underrated words that should be dumped from the media’s (and our) vernacular has been posted by the Lake Superior State University department of words (I think). It includes “sexting” & “chillaxin” as well as “bromance” – which is a new one to me, meaning a male friendship. It says there  Continue Reading

As the decade turns, Archie turns 60!

Written on December 30, 2009 at 7:06 pm, by

Just got this great note from Erin & Angie & Charis about my good friend Archie Brooks, who I’ve watched coach football & marry people, and officiate over funerals over the years…he’s one good guy. Here’s more from his girls: Today is a special day for a man known to some by just his first  Continue Reading

Around the island….

Written on December 30, 2009 at 11:13 am, by

All kinds of things are happening – let’s check in: • The Friends of the San Juans redesigned their website – here’s how it looks now. • Janeen at the Best Western has a special for New Year’s Eve: “One night only — December 31, 2009, you can Eat, Drink and be Merry! Enjoy New  Continue Reading

Around the island this weekend…

Written on December 28, 2009 at 10:07 am, by

It was cool to see that folks have left their holiday lights up this weekend…it’s kind of a island tradition to leave ’em up till March or they burn out, so take your time, since they cheer up the grey months ahead… More around the island: • Just because it was a little chilly, that  Continue Reading

Chilly & clear….

Written on December 26, 2009 at 11:18 am, by

The weather report says the clear skies we had yesterday will continue for a couple of days….wahoo! Get outside & play!

Island notes….

Written on December 25, 2009 at 12:03 am, by

Little bits you may not have known about: • The Farmers’ Market is NOT this Saturday….it’ll be at the high school commons on the 2nd. See ya there! • Aaron has Avatar and Sherlock Holmes playing at the Palace Theatre, starting today. • Winners: Claudia at Island Studios says Dona Reed won the annual ornament  Continue Reading