Topic: Around Here

Santa is coming!

Written on December 16, 2009 at 8:58 am, by

I got this press release under my door at the editorial offices of the Update, so I thought I’d pass it on: Santa Claus is coming to CHRISTMAS ISLAND! on Saturday, December 19th from 4-7pm. Please join us at the Grange Hall for an old fashioned Christmas Celebration! Inside Santa will have beautiful teddy bears  Continue Reading

Remembering John…

Written on December 16, 2009 at 8:03 am, by

At the service for John Linde last Saturday before an overflowing congregation at the Presbyterian Church, Carol Linde shared these remarks about John: I am so very blessed to have been loved by John. I met him at the Teen Fair in Seattle when I was 17.  I was the Arrow Shirt Girl – introducing  Continue Reading

The girls go out on top….

Written on December 16, 2009 at 7:51 am, by

It was cool to hear from Vic Woodward that the 5th/6th grade girls did so well last weekend, and came home with the hardware! Here’s more from Vic: Attached is a picture of our 5th/6th SWISH league championship team! The Friday Harbor Tigers finished the league season 8 – 1, with a season record 11-1.  Continue Reading

Helping in Honduras…

Written on December 16, 2009 at 7:49 am, by

The drawing for this is next Thursday, so get your ticket’s now! Leslie is helping to raise money for this trip to Honduras, and is raffling the painting of Lime Kilm Lighthouse shown at right.  Tickets are available at San Juan Healthcare and are $2.00 for 1 or $5.00 for 3 tickets.  The proceeds go  Continue Reading


Written on December 16, 2009 at 7:22 am, by

Bill’s Weissinger’s mom passed away last week…all the best to you & the family, Bill. Here’s more about Mrs. Weissinger: Nanette Robinson Weissinger died Friday, December 11, at the Island Convalescent Center in Friday Harbor, WA, after a short and unexpected hospitalization.  She was 90 years old. She had lived in Friday Harbor for the  Continue Reading

A mix of light & wonder…

Written on December 16, 2009 at 12:28 am, by

That’s Port McNeill in British Columbia, by photographer Sandy Buckley.

A mix of light & wonder…

Written on December 16, 2009 at 12:28 am, by

That’s Port McNeill in British Columbia, by photographer Sandy Buckley.


Written on December 15, 2009 at 10:57 pm, by

David from St. David’s just let me know that Ginny passed away a couple of days ago…she was always so full of life and energy. So sad for Jim & Jimbo – here’s more about this beautiful lady: VIRGINIA ELIZABETH McCORMICK: March 3, 1929 – December 14, 2009 A resident of San Juan Island since  Continue Reading

Personal story makes for great reading…and inspiration

Written on December 15, 2009 at 12:04 pm, by

It’s a story of personal discovery mixed with courage….author Janet Thomas has released her latest, Day Breaks Over Dharamsala, with a reading last Saturday at Griffin Bay Bookstore that packed the placed with folks who also packed the counter to buy the book afterwards. You can buy the book at Griffin Bay, and I think  Continue Reading

Remembering the summer…

Written on December 14, 2009 at 4:36 am, by

As we approach solstice this weekend, it’s nice to remember the warm days of summer…and what better way to remember them with photos of kayaking in the sun. I love Caitlin Strasser’s eye in shooting these pictures, and appreciate that she’s letting us share them. Way to go, Caitlin!

Bits of island life….

Written on December 14, 2009 at 3:31 am, by

Hope your weekend went well…let’s see what’s happening around here: • This weekend it’s the Winter Solstice Masquerade Ball at Dance Workshop II across from the Courthouse. Kels tells me it’s an all ages solstice celebration and dance party for the islands community. Get dressed up, bring the whole family, kids are free! Featuring original  Continue Reading

Did you lose a shoe?

Written on December 14, 2009 at 3:15 am, by

Went by Haley’s on Saturday night, and they told be someone left their shoe there the night before? If it’s yours, come claim it. And let me know at what point you noticed you only had one….

Gift ideas around the island….

Written on December 14, 2009 at 3:04 am, by

‘Tis the season…I know you’re thinking of things to offer to friends & family to show them you care…here are a few ideas that might get you started (or finish that list!): • Hold your spending to $100 or less. Keep the focus of the giving & the love you have for the folks you  Continue Reading

News around the island….

Written on December 11, 2009 at 11:21 am, by

Little things happening here & there: • Back in action soon: Casey Baisch says his broken foot is pretty close to healed, which is good for a guy who climbs trees for a living. • Pam Herber says husband Mike‘s broken collarbone is getting well & knitting nicely – and glad he was wearing a  Continue Reading

Whale Museum fundraiser – this week!

Written on December 11, 2009 at 12:36 am, by

Jenny from the Whale Museum says this is gonna be fun, especially for folks who enjoy good food: The Whale Museum’s “Black & White Night” Dinner Event On Thursday, December 17, 2009, there will be a Delicious Dinner Event!  The Whale Museum’s “Black and White Night” will be held at Friday Harbor House on San  Continue Reading

This week’s movie…at the Community Theatre

Written on December 10, 2009 at 1:13 pm, by

The Community Theatre has put together an evening for families on Friday (tomorrow!) – here’s more from Jan: New Holiday Family Film Night at Theatre December 11 On Donner…on Blitzen…on PRANCER–the holiday film! A special night of holiday family fun is scheduled at San Juan Community Theatre on Friday, December 11 at 7:00 p.m., sponsored  Continue Reading