Topic: Around Here

Jacob’s back!

Written on December 10, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

The play was a hit last December, so Island Stage Left is bringing Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol back this week. Last year’s show suffered the worst of turns when Dan Mayes had heart troubles near the end of the run, but he’s OK now & back! The show starts this Friday…don’t wait until late in  Continue Reading

Dance of the Elders tonight….

Written on December 9, 2009 at 3:13 pm, by

Mary Smith sent me a note to remind you about this – coming up tonight! I’m not sure if the Latino community have contacted you, but perhaps you could put in your online news that the Dance of the Elders – which is also the Vigil of Guadalupe – will take place this Friday, December  Continue Reading

Business bits around the island….

Written on December 9, 2009 at 2:40 pm, by

Here’s some things you’ll wanna know: • Looking for a good stocking stuffer? Kate Schuman at Island Petroleum Services says IPS is offering Gift Cards ($25, $50 or $100) – come by their place on Carter Street & take care of the people in your life (college students love these.) Good at any Shell station  Continue Reading

Hancock to take over vacant spot…Judge Linde service set for Saturday

Written on December 9, 2009 at 2:05 pm, by

The County tells me that Alan R. Hancock has been appointed as the Superior Court judge to cover that spot since John Linde passed away. Also, it has been announced that the service has been set – here’s more from Torrey at the Presbyterian Church: A Memorial Service for John Linde will be held at  Continue Reading

Using color & making beautiful pictures….

Written on December 9, 2009 at 1:18 pm, by

Annie Howell-Adams is the featured artist at the Community Theatre this month (SJCT hangs folks’ work in the lobby – be sure & check it out next time you’re there!) You can also see what she’s been up to on her blog at…she does great work!

Sun bean… :)

Written on December 9, 2009 at 1:11 pm, by

That was the way it looked at The Naked Bean this morning with the bright sunshine streaming in on this cold day….

Photo Club this weekend…

Written on December 9, 2009 at 1:07 pm, by

The Photo Club is meeting at 2pm at the Naked Bean on Sunday this weekend…organizer Tim Dustrude says it’s a chance to to bring your camera & compare notes with others. Come on by!

Coming to sing for you….

Written on December 9, 2009 at 11:40 am, by

The Island Carolers have been doing it for two decades – all you have to do is call them up & they’ll come sing for your party or get-together for free…it’s part of the holiday cheer. Here’s the word from Jane Dill, who is in the group: Holidays with the Island Carolers: Can it really  Continue Reading

Festival of Trees goes great…

Written on December 8, 2009 at 12:37 am, by

Gallery of islanders dressed up for the Festival of Trees….. It’s been the Community Theatre’s big fundraiser since the days when SJCT got underway, and it’s always fun. Besides the entertainment, and the auctions, and the food, and the wine, and the fun of all that, it’s fun to see folks from around the island  Continue Reading

Not a pub crawl, it’s a Santa crawl…..

Written on December 8, 2009 at 12:16 am, by

I found these Santa crawl folks in the street when I was going between the Bean & Pazzo Vivo on Saturday night….

Office news….

Written on December 8, 2009 at 12:12 am, by

Hey, I had things to tell you about things going on in our offices at the Guard Electric Building: • Frankie & Melissa Guard have TWO offices open to rent – the one Dan & Andi Zehring were in for a long time, and mine with By Design (as part of my downsizing, I’m moving  Continue Reading

Got your tree?

Written on December 7, 2009 at 11:59 pm, by

One place you can get your Christmas tree this year is from the Nash Family…Pat & Becky and the kids (yep, you heard right – Charles & Margaret turned 17 on Sunday, and Jordan’s back from college next week) are selling trees on the front yard of what was Latitude 48 (and soon will be  Continue Reading

Judge’s autopsy set for today or tomorrow…

Written on December 7, 2009 at 11:59 pm, by

A memorial service for John Linde is planned for 11:30 a.m Saturday., at Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church, with a reception afterwards at 1 p.m. at the Yacht Club. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that a full autopsy will be conducted early this week to determine the cause of John Linde’s death last Thursday in Hawaii, while  Continue Reading

Music in the cafes at night…..

Written on December 7, 2009 at 11:52 pm, by

Besides the excitement of several hundred people at the Community Theatre for the Festival of Trees, there was music downtown, too. It was great to see singer-songwriter Daniel Finn weave his magic at The Naked Bean…I love the way he takes words and makes them sing, and you end up with the chorus stuck in  Continue Reading

Yup, it’s cold….

Written on December 7, 2009 at 10:54 pm, by

Maybe it’s changed, but the last time I looked at the weather report in the navigation bar at the top of this page, it said it wasn’t gonna get above freezing till Wednesday, when things fire up to 36 or so. Throw another log on the fire.

300! Wahoo!

Written on December 7, 2009 at 7:54 pm, by

Monday night, it finally happened – longtime Paradise Lanes bowler Jim Cumming rolled a perfect 300 in league. Manager Scott Olinger says he’s glad it was Jim, because Jim works on his game, and occasionally even bowls in off-island tournaments. He also helps Scott with youth bowling, including the enrichment program at the school. Scott  Continue Reading