Topic: Around Here

Housesitting at its best….

Written on December 7, 2009 at 12:07 am, by

I had run across a well-written blog 2-3 months ago by & about a couple from the Chicago area that was trying to move here. Titled “Love in the Time of Foreclosure,” Stephanie Walker reviews the way she & Bob landed a housesitting gig here on San Juan Island, details their move here, and offers  Continue Reading

A couple of kids, surrounded by love…

Written on December 7, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

Well, I have two stories here…both involve little babies & what they have going on in their first few days here on this plane. The stories are by Debbie from Roche Harbor Market, and from Sandy at the Town. Let’s start with Debbie: As some of you may know, Sophia Grace Krieg was taken to  Continue Reading

A gift of love…

Written on December 7, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

Steve Cutting asked if he could share this little write up about Debbie’s special gift for giving…I love the story, and hope you will, too: Christmas is supposed to be about giving right? It is better to give than receive! I have heard that since I was an infant. Such easy words but not so  Continue Reading

Flea Market! This Saturday!

Written on December 6, 2009 at 12:15 am, by

Rev at the Fairgrounds reports: The San Juan County Fair will host a holiday Flea Market & Craft Fair, Saturday, December 12, in the Main building at the fairgrounds. Craft vendors will have lots of holiday gift items on sale and there will be plenty of the usual flea market bargains. The market is open  Continue Reading

Meanwhile at the lighthouse….

Written on December 5, 2009 at 1:01 am, by

Have you been to the Lighthouse lately? Here’s more from Jeanne: The 6th Annual Tours to the Top of the Lighthouse at Lime Kiln Pt. State Park. It began in 2004 and that first year 130 people came. Rain or shine we’ll be there, decorated for the holidays with hot cider and home baked goodies.  Continue Reading

Do you know this pup?

Written on December 5, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

Just got this little story from Leslie at the Animal Shelter: Do you know me? I was hiding under a porch of some very nice people near San Juan Valley. I got frightened and was under their porch for 3 days until the girls from the Animal Shelter crawled under the house and comforted me and coaxed  Continue Reading


Written on December 4, 2009 at 1:00 am, by

Last night I heard that Superior Court Judge John Linde passed away while vacationing in Hawaii. Apparently he was snorkeling, and something went wrong. Here’s the story from the Hawaii tv station. This is a great loss to the community. We’ve all watched John as an umpire at baseball (he had one of the best  Continue Reading

Eagles around here…

Written on December 4, 2009 at 12:31 am, by

Ace photographer Kevin Holmes shot these pictures last May at Jakles Lagoon here on San Juan Island…wow. Great detail & good composition…you can feel the power of these great birds.

The Rocky Bay – open at night!

Written on December 4, 2009 at 12:02 am, by

Well, the Rocky Bay decided to do something daring last month – complement its already popular breakfast & lunch with staying open three nights for dinner. (Popular, by the way, is island-speak for “you gonna have to wait on the sidewalk outside for a table. That’s ’cause so many people dig the place.”) So, they’ve  Continue Reading

The tree lighting (and more) is tonight!

Written on December 4, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

I asked Vernadel what was the deal for the tree lighting’s tonight – there was more going on than I thought. Here’s the scoop: Join the San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce for the annual Tree Lighting Ceremony at Memorial Park in Friday Harbor on Friday, December 4.  Plan to come down early in the  Continue Reading

The permanent Farmers’ Market – the Fair Board would like to host it….

Written on December 3, 2009 at 11:58 pm, by

Last night the Town Council had the siting of a permanent Farmer’s Market on its agenda. One piece of news – which should be a pretty big chunk of the discussion – is that the Fair Board would rather see it at the Fairgrounds. Well, yeah. Here’s more from Josephine Bangs, who sent this along  Continue Reading

Festival of Trees…this weekend!

Written on December 3, 2009 at 7:05 pm, by

Jan at the Community Theatre says there are still tickets left: CATS Festival of Trees celebrates “20 Magical Years” We still have some tickets left for THIS Saturday’s big event at the Theatre, kicking off the island’s holiday season in great style.  Make sure to make your reservation NOW by calling 378-3211, ext. 32. As  Continue Reading

Good morning, sunshine…

Written on December 3, 2009 at 2:06 pm, by

Did you see the sunrise this morning? Sandy Buckley did – here’s more of her work. And here’s a song to go with it…

Victoria named to EDC head spot; Peggy takes over at ARC

Written on December 3, 2009 at 12:49 am, by

Just got this from the EDC, and thought you’d like to know: San Juan County Economic Development Council Announces Staff Changes The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) is pleased to announce the hiring of two new employees. The EDC welcomes Victoria Compton as their new Executive Director.  Victoria has been an island resident  Continue Reading

A note of thanks from Cynthia…

Written on December 2, 2009 at 10:55 pm, by

There was good food at the Holiday Marketplace last week, and Cynthia was why….here’s a note from her, because she’s glad you were there! Here’s more: An appreciative thank you to all who imbibed in my holiday food at the Artisan’s Faire this weekend.  This is such a great venue to kick off the holiday  Continue Reading

Passing the citizenship test….

Written on December 2, 2009 at 9:54 pm, by

Last month the League of Women Voters held their regular meeting with something special – first of all, the Statue of Liberty showed up, as you can see. (That’s Susan Dehlendorf, I think…) The other interesting thing was they offered a test that’s like the one folks who are becoming new citizens get to take…so  Continue Reading