Topic: Around Here

Songs in the air, this weekend….

Written on December 2, 2009 at 7:20 pm, by

I hear that one of my favorite singers is playing this weekend – Daniel Finn takes the stage at The Naked Bean this Saturday at 7pm (donations accepted). He’ll be performing selections from the Daniel Finn Playbook….don’t miss this one!

What’s going on around the island….

Written on December 2, 2009 at 4:06 am, by

Little bits here & there for you: • Pat & Becky Nash have a slew of Christmas trees for sale out front of where Latitude 48 used to be (or maybe you remember it as the Fat Cat?) Fresh cut trees  – check ’em out! • Rhonda Scott has opened a shop for the season  Continue Reading

Do you need a calendar for 2010?

Written on December 2, 2009 at 3:00 am, by

You probably do…here’s a place to start (here’s a calendar I made for you !) There are coffee mugs, too! Click here to see more!

A helping hand…

Written on December 2, 2009 at 12:15 am, by

There’s a way you can help those who live in Town who have a bit of trouble with their bills – here’s more from Keri at the Town: Since 2005 the Town of Friday Harbor has worked with the Family Resource Center to provide emergency financial assistance to Town utility customers. Annually the Town Council  Continue Reading

Shooting the moon…

Written on December 2, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

You know what “once in a blue moon” means, right? It means “rare,” because a month with a blue moon has two full moons in it….this month has two: this morning (Wednesday) and December 31st. That’s the moon right after moonrise last night at about 4:30pm, in a photo sent in by Tim Dustrude. (Here’s  Continue Reading

It was a mob at the Holiday Marketplace….

Written on December 2, 2009 at 12:00 am, by

Gallery of photos from the Marketplace…click here! This past weekend it was pretty crowded at the Island Artisans Holiday Marketplace at the elementary school – on Friday especially, and Saturday as well. The annual event featured some 60 artists & craftspeople (as well as food by Cynthia’s, Of Course), and did its usual good job  Continue Reading

‘Tis the season to shop, kinda….

Written on December 1, 2009 at 11:26 pm, by

As Herbert Hoover, in the middle of the Depression, said, “About the time we can make the ends meet, somebody moves the ends.”

New kindergarten enrichment program…

Written on December 1, 2009 at 12:09 am, by

Dick Wright wrote to say St. David’s is going to start this, after the New Year. Need a place – a good place – for your kid after morning kindergarten at FHES? Here’s more: Saint David’s Day School A Kindergarten Enrichment Program The recent renovation and expansion of Saint David’s Episcopal Church has made it  Continue Reading

Free dinner for those who keep us safe….

Written on December 1, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

Wanted to share this note from the Peppermill’s LaRue – tell your local firefighter, policeman/woman, or EMT – this is cool! Just wanted to let you know, in case you haven’t heard that Charles is doing a special “Thank you” to our local Firefighters, EMT’s, Police and Veterans on Tues, Dec. 1. They are invited  Continue Reading

Christmas decorating contest – get your application in today!

Written on November 30, 2009 at 11:51 pm, by

I was kind of wondering about the decorating contest this year – heck, you better hurry…the application’s due this evening! Here’s the rest of the story, from Vernadel at the Chamber of Commerce: The San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce is busy with plans for the 2009 Island Lights Fest Christmas Decorating Contest in the  Continue Reading

It’s in the bag….

Written on November 30, 2009 at 11:48 pm, by

It makes a perfect one-of-a-kind gift: You go down to San Juan Canvas (it’s under the Yacht Club), and ask Derrick & Lauren to make you a bag, out of….canvas! They have kind of a lot of it, and they make great bags, as you can see in the picture! And this month they have  Continue Reading

Getting coffee?

Written on November 30, 2009 at 8:54 pm, by

When you drop by Friday Harbor Espresso, seem like there’s always a smiling face or two, ready to get your coffee…. Readers of the Update know Arielle also wins recycled-fashion shows (click here to see her in her mermaid outfit last August) and goes to the grocery store (click here, and scroll down), while Ashley  Continue Reading

The Community Thanksgiving Dinner rocked!

Written on November 30, 2009 at 8:42 pm, by

Whoa! When I visited with Jim & Minnie Knych before last week’s Thanksgiving dinner at the Grange, Minnie told me this was their eleventh year of putting on the show. What started as a Lions Club effort years ago is now a multi-group production with dozens of volunteers. She said that last year they ended  Continue Reading

New wines at Festival of Trees this year…

Written on November 30, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

Jan from the Community Theatre says there’s one more reason to come to FOT this year: An award-winning Washington winery is playing a new starring role in the CATS’ 20th Annual Festival of Trees extravaganza at San Juan Community Theatre on Saturday, December 5. Eastern Washington’s Milbrandt Vineyards will not only provide the featured wines  Continue Reading

Finding the opposite true, too…

Written on November 28, 2009 at 4:52 pm, by

Where’s the downbeat? And…why don’t we pay doctors when we’re well, not when we’re sick? Watched this early this morning & found myself looking at the way we do things, call ’em what we call ’em, and realizing that our assumptions often have an “opposite” shadow side or yang to go with the ying, or  Continue Reading

Santa – upstairs at Kings!

Written on November 28, 2009 at 11:53 am, by

Drop by & get you picture taken on Saturday – here’s more from Kings Marine, upstairs from the Market: Santa upstairs today: 10am-1pm. Get there early, and see him arrive on the firetruck! Feeling camera shy?, Come upstairs anyways and check out the great deals on clothing and marine supplies!