Topic: Around Here

Great photo of a great paint job…

Written on November 20, 2009 at 12:20 am, by

Whoa…this is the living room of my house, and it’s awesome in that Gabe & his friends at San Juan Interiors put in a brand new carpet, and Josie painted the walls & the ceiling (after scraping that stuff off the ceiling people used to put up in 1979 or so). It rocked. Since we’re  Continue Reading


Written on November 20, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

Judi Mio offered this note of thanks on behalf of our friends at Hospice & the other non-profits who were recognized by the Community Foundation at the Breakfast of Champions in late September: On September 25, 2009, Friday, the San Juan Island Community Foundation held its annual “Breakfast of Champions” to award funds to local  Continue Reading


Written on November 19, 2009 at 2:03 am, by

It’s really blowing, as I write this Wednesday evening…if I don’t post something tomorrow, you’ll know why! Huge winds, with power out on the west side & around the island, Wednesday night, Thursday morning….Diana Stepita reports her wind clock measured a 73 mph blow at Eagle Cove on Wednesday evening. The ferries’ schedule has been  Continue Reading

Things happening around the island…

Written on November 18, 2009 at 12:11 am, by

I don’t mind if you don’t go to ALL of these, as long as you don’t say there’s nothing to do around here: • San Juan HealthCare’s class series continues with “Mirth without Girth: A Guide to Healthy Holiday eating”…do your heart a favor & drop in! Here’s more. • Tammy Anderson & Kris Brown  Continue Reading

Ops with the Sorops…

Written on November 17, 2009 at 3:19 am, by

I asked Marie DiCristina what the local Soroptimist Club was up to – she says lots! Here’s the story in a nutshell, from her: Soroptimists and their local projects The Soroptimist International Friday Harbor club just held their second annual Great Island Give-a-way event last Saturday.  It was well attended by over 125 people who  Continue Reading

That Phonathon last month went well, by the way…

Written on November 17, 2009 at 3:05 am, by

Lisa Anderson says there are a lot of folks who made it happen…and YOU! Here’s more: For a successful Phonathon to take place, there are many factors and people that are key components one of which is the people who pick up the phones and make the calls. The San Juan Public Schools Foundation greatly  Continue Reading

San Juan Islands Vacation Video Contest – see ’em here!

Written on November 17, 2009 at 2:48 am, by

Darren & Lisa O’Brien put together a great contest & got some great results – here’s more from Darren: Hi Ian – We have two winners in the first annual San Juan Islands Vacation Video Contest! The contest, which closed at midnight on October 31, garnered 52 approved entries (out of more than 60 submitted),  Continue Reading

New Coast Guard captains from the islands…

Written on November 17, 2009 at 2:36 am, by

At the end of October, eight captains completed their training. Here’s more from Richard Rodriguez: Zenith Maritime graduates eight students October 29, 2009 Zenith Maritime trains mariners to become Captains across the United States. Zenith graduates operate vessels up to 200′ across the country and received their licenses through our approved training as an alternative  Continue Reading

Coats – 210 of them! Wahoo!

Written on November 17, 2009 at 2:23 am, by

From the Town: Good Day! If you could share this Certificate of Appreciation with our wonderful community it would be greatly appreciated.  The Town’s coat drive went well, very well.  We received 210 beautiful warm coats to share with those with special needs in our community. Roxanna

What if it actually got cold here?

Written on November 17, 2009 at 2:20 am, by

Did last year…probably will this year. Well, I thought I was ready for the weather till I got this from Brendan at the Department of Emergency Management – now I got a little prepping to do. Check it out – he’s good: Winter Weather Wisdom by Brendan Cowan, Emergency Manager for San Juan County and  Continue Reading

A new ambulance….

Written on November 17, 2009 at 2:05 am, by

Looks more like like a boat than what most people think of for an ambulance, but it can get you there – here’s more from Alan at the EMS: The San Juan County Sheriff’s boat P/V Guardian has been recognized by the State of Washington as a licensed ambulance, following a three year process of fundraising,  Continue Reading

Could it be summer? Probably not….

Written on November 16, 2009 at 10:29 pm, by

There were some nice blackberries a couple of weekends ago when I went around Pear Point/Turn Point (or the Loop, as we usually say….) It was hard to believe – I can’t recall seeing them this late in the season, but I think the fall’s dryness & sunniness brought ’em out for an encore, since  Continue Reading

Free, at Lavendera…

Written on November 16, 2009 at 3:37 am, by

Ciely at Lavendera wants you to drop by…: ~An Evening of Free Services at Lavendera Day Spa~ Come join Lavendera Day Spa on Friday, November 20th from 6:30pm to 8pm for an evening of free massage. Anyone who attends will be welcome to receive a free 15 minute massage by one of our highly trained  Continue Reading

Dropping by to see Papa…

Written on November 16, 2009 at 2:05 am, by

It was nice to run into the Bayas family on Friday afternoon…Kris & the boys came by to see Tito for a minute at Islanders Bank.

Off to the mainland…

Written on November 16, 2009 at 2:01 am, by

Skagit Valley College/San Juan Center director Randy Martin and favorite girls Lucy & Ava were heading off to Mount Vernon to the main campus to see The Sound of Music last night. He says they have Do Re Mi ready to go, and they’ll practice in the car.

Looking forward to the next ten….

Written on November 16, 2009 at 2:00 am, by

I remember Ellen Johnson telling me in the fall of ’99 that she was gonna start her own insurance company…and she did! Yesterday, she and new agent Reni McCutcheon celebrated the first decade for Harbor Insurance, and are heading into the next ten years with a smile.