Topic: Around Here

Tradition on the march….

Written on November 3, 2009 at 10:32 am, by

In the kids’ parade on Friday, there were a number of adults, too (I think we have more volunteers per square inch at our elementary school than any place I’ve ever seen)…including Krispi Staude, dressed as a ready-to-go fisherwoman. I asked her where she got the gear: I am using my husband’s fly fishing equipment  Continue Reading

All dressed up with somewhere to go…

Written on November 2, 2009 at 11:07 am, by

It may be the island’s second favorite holiday, especially if you measure by how many people get dressed up & get out for the evening. It was nice to have it on a Saturday night, and especially nice to have it on a Saturday night with an extra hour in in it. (You did turn  Continue Reading

Babies like to dress up, too!

Written on November 2, 2009 at 12:16 am, by

Joyce from the Family Resource Center sent this cool photo over to share with you & me… last year, I posted photos from Christine around the same time – check here to see last year’s kids! (Be sure & scroll down a bit – you’ll see ’em!)

Island Rec’s Teen Halloween Party was great!

Written on November 2, 2009 at 12:06 am, by

It was fun to see all the stuff going on when Josie & I dropped by the party on Saturday night – there was food, games, music (dj’d by Zack Reitan) and an awful lot of costumes. Island Rec‘s Sally & Rebecca did a super job rounding up volunteers & putting  this on – way  Continue Reading

Special things going on at the Golden Triangle!

Written on November 2, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

I checked in at the Golden Triangle last week & found that they have some cool things happening now that we’re headed into November…here’s more from Avon (the owner) and Amy (who is a server there, and could e-mail this to us): Hi Ian: Just wanted to pass along some information about the Golden Triangle.  Continue Reading

The casino at Islanders Bank…

Written on November 1, 2009 at 10:46 pm, by

You could tell they were ready have fun…the folks at Islanders Bank decked the place out as The Cob Web Casino, with everyone who works there all dressed up for the day, last Friday. Lotsa smiles there.

Tigers head for the playoffs…

Written on October 29, 2009 at 12:11 am, by

Kris Brown says that two out of three of the Tiger football teams are on a roll: After eight weeks of the regular season, two out of three Tiger Football teams will be headed into the playoffs of the North Cascade Youth Football League. The freshman team (ages 8-10) with a season record of 1-6,  Continue Reading

Autumn beauty…

Written on October 29, 2009 at 12:03 am, by

Remember on Monday afternoon when the sun came out for a bit? There was light through the leaves, with those trees that are out front of Wells Fargo….

Another new islander…

Written on October 29, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Kim NOT smiling, but she seems to be smiling even more now that baby Sean is here…he is Kim & Jeff’s fourth, and was born back in August & is doing great!

Diggin’ it…

Written on October 29, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

You’ve seen all the work in the street on Argyle Street this week…I asked what they were up to, and the guy says they’re extending the sewer up that little street next to Cahaill Park, and that there’s all kinda rock under there. I’m pretty sure you can’t use dynamite there, in the middle of  Continue Reading

Notes around town….

Written on October 28, 2009 at 2:00 pm, by

Here are some bits of things that are going on, on the island & around us: • Carol Ford wrote to tell me that NOW you got lunch options: Hi Ian; Would you mind mentioning that, beginning Nov. 2nd, Mi Casita will be open for lunch.  Our new lunch schedule is: Monday through Friday from  Continue Reading

Halloween’s coming!

Written on October 28, 2009 at 12:36 am, by

Well, the crazy season is upon us – seems like everyone is planning their Halloween costume for the past couple of weeks, because that’s what we DO around here. It’s even better this year, since the 31st is on a Saturday, so the candy-loaded kids & everyone else can sleep in the next day. Here  Continue Reading

“Iron Jawed Angels” presented by the LWV…

Written on October 28, 2009 at 12:30 am, by

Susan at the League of Women Voters tells me this film starring Bellingham native & Oscar winner Hilary Swank will be shown this weekend – and I think it’s a pretty important one to remind us that less than a hundred years ago, women couldn’t vote in the USA…here’s more: Reliving the Battle for Women’s  Continue Reading

Noodle Bowl Monday rocks!

Written on October 28, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

People have been telling me for ages that I should go by Backdoor Kitchen‘s Noodle Bowl Monday, so this week I finally made it & it was great! There are different bowls – they have noodles & vegetables, and you can get it with shrimp or tofu or chicken or halibut (those are the ones  Continue Reading

FHHS girls beat LaConner; now the playoffs begin!

Written on October 27, 2009 at 5:37 pm, by

The FHHS soccer girls closed out one of the more successful seasons in the program’s 15 year history with a 1-0 decision over La Conner on Tuesday, in a game played at Mount Vernon High. The game’s lone goal was scored by senior Alex Freeman early, as the game turned into a defensive battle from  Continue Reading

Business notes around the island….

Written on October 27, 2009 at 3:40 pm, by

Here are things you wondered about – now you know: • Island Studios was closed from 2:30pm Monday and all day Tuesday for carpet cleaning. • Speaking of art, did you see islander & painter Lanny Little‘s opening in Bellingham earlier this month? Here’s more. • Yep, Lynn Danaher & Dave Moorhouse have bought Ace  Continue Reading