Topic: Around Here

Classes at the Village…

Written on October 14, 2009 at 1:36 pm, by

Susan over at San Juan Healthcare tells me this class at Village at the Harbour is going to be worthwhile – check it out: A HEALTHY HEART – WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW San Juan Healthcare, in collaboration with local and area health care providers, will be presenting a series of classes focused on the  Continue Reading

Gordon Brown (not the PM) plays this Friday….

Written on October 14, 2009 at 1:25 pm, by

Dennis Willows from the San Juan Island Jazz Quintet says Gordon’s coming (not Great Britain’s prime minister, the other one)….check it out: This Friday SJ Jazz Quintet will host alto sax player Gordon Brown of the Seattle Jazz Police, and of the Jim Cutler Jazz Orchestra.  He will play with us  at Pazzo Vivo Bistro  Continue Reading

Odd Couple closes out its run this week….

Written on October 14, 2009 at 1:21 pm, by

This is your week to see it – it’s on Thursday (bargain night) and Friday/Saturday…get your tickets now at the Community Theatre’s website.

Business updates….

Written on October 13, 2009 at 1:25 am, by

What’s going on around Town and on the island: • The San Juan Island Community Events Calendar just added a new part… this should really help event planners as they figure out where to hold their show: The link from the community calendar listing alternate meeting spaces is officially live: You can also get  Continue Reading

Election Forum…tonight!

Written on October 13, 2009 at 12:54 am, by

Susan from the League of Women Voters tells me the forum is tonight – I’ll be there, and I hope you are, too! Here’s the deal: League of Women Voters Offers General Election Forum The League of Women Voters has scheduled the 2009 General Election Candidate Forum for Tuesday, October 13 from 7 to 9  Continue Reading

Married last summer….

Written on October 12, 2009 at 10:08 pm, by

My good friend Nancy Raichlen and I were visiting about how nicely her daughter Holly’s wedding had gone last summer, and we agreed it would be nice to tell you a little about it. It was, of course, during the summer in August (Holly’s a teacher) – here’s the scoop: Holly Raichlen and Ryan Wehner  Continue Reading

Coming to the island….

Written on October 12, 2009 at 5:49 pm, by

Set to Pearl Jam, here is a video that was put together by Scott & Mirva from EdgeCurve (here’s more about Scott’s company) about getting here…see if you see your house:

The Safety Fair was great!

Written on October 12, 2009 at 3:15 am, by

Fire Marshal Bob Low and the fire department’s Carolyn Hudson both told me the Safety Fair was the biggest & best yet…and they weren’t the only ones. Every mom & dad I got a chance to talk to said it was awesome, with all the activities & presentations, as well as the positive way that  Continue Reading

Art photography….

Written on October 12, 2009 at 3:07 am, by

That’s the tables in the Naked Bean in the early morning Sunday sun this past weekend…right before the rush.

Cool office spaces for rent….

Written on October 12, 2009 at 3:02 am, by

Just a little note if you’re looking for good office space – over at Guard Electric, Melissa & Frankie Guard have a couple of 600-sq ft spots open, for $600/month (plus the usual triple-net for utilities) with the first month free. Close to town, close to the tiedown part of the airport, close to Bakery  Continue Reading

Sara Williams brings her book over….

Written on October 12, 2009 at 2:55 am, by

It was cool that Orcas Island’s Sara Williams was over this weekend at Harbor Books, hawking her new book…you may remember her 2004 book, The Don Juan Con, was picked up by Paramount Pictures. Here’s her website – check her out & support your local authors! Especially the good ones!

You can join the trials….

Written on October 12, 2009 at 2:44 am, by

On Saturday I ran into Rebecca Barnard & asked her how her new job – selling her invention, Limba Slim & related products – is going. She says it’s going great, and there’s this chance to participate – but you gotta sign up this week, ’cause it starts Friday. Here’s more: Free Weight Loss, Fitness  Continue Reading

Now, THAT’s dessert….

Written on October 12, 2009 at 2:36 am, by

Got a chance to have dinner at Duck Soup Inn last Friday, and yes, the halibut & scallops were good! We also checked out this for dessert: a little bitty pumpkin, baked, with spice cake & whipped creme & a caramel sauce (I think that’s what it was) over it. Gretchen & the folks at  Continue Reading

Columbus Day…keep the whole picture in focus

Written on October 12, 2009 at 1:57 am, by

When I saw comedian Dick Gregory a few years ago, he asked someone in the audience if he could borrow their car keys for a moment. They gave him their keys, and he said, “Cool! Now I get to keep your car!” The person said, “Wait, that’s my car! You can’t steal it!” and Dick  Continue Reading


Written on October 12, 2009 at 1:29 am, by

It was great to see Mr. Jensen’s smiling face last month at his 95th birthday celebration on September 18th, and to see how many people loved & admired him…I just got this note from his granddaughter Alisa this morning: Nourdine Jensen passed away at Island Hospital on Sunday, October 11th, 2009.  He died peacefully with  Continue Reading

About the swine flu, here in the County & on our island…

Written on October 10, 2009 at 12:35 am, by

I’d have to say this swine flu business got my attention about three weeks ago when my sister-in-law told me that my five-year-old niece had contracted swine flu, but got treatment in time & everything worked out fine. That was in Alabama, but when I checked in with my son in college in Colorado, he  Continue Reading