Topic: Around Here

Relay for Life profiles: Carrie Unpingco

Written on July 4, 2009 at 12:21 am, by

In our ongoing series of folks who help with this month’s Relay for Life, this week we hear from Carrie about “Why I Relay”: Volunteering as the publicity/marketing chair this year gives me the opportunity to help the many people who are greatly affected by cancer. All of us have been affected by cancer in  Continue Reading

Park volunteer: Andrea Wieland

Written on July 4, 2009 at 12:02 am, by

This summer Erin Corra (Lime Kiln’s interpretive specialist) and I are running a series about the good folks who volunteer each summer – here’s more about Andrea, who answered some questions Erin put to her: Name: Andrea Wieland Number of years visiting &/or living in the San Juan archipelago: 17 Occupation in your real, or  Continue Reading

Rock the Dock on the Fourth!

Written on July 4, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

The Rotary Club’s Mary Kalbert has the scoop about the music: Join us for our “Street Party” at the Port of Friday Harbor. Sponsored by Islanders Bank – tickets are $10.00 each  — children 10 and under free! Tickets can be purchased at the gate. Wine and beer garden, hot dogs, chili dogs, ice cream  Continue Reading

Car Wash at the Mullis Center….Friday!

Written on July 3, 2009 at 12:36 pm, by

Zack tells me you can get your car washed at the Mullis Center today till 6pm…what’s it go to? Where’s the money go? Who is it for? Here’s more.

Going with the dogs…

Written on July 3, 2009 at 11:00 am, by

It was great to see Chris & Melonie from Tif & Gif (here’s their website) in the streets the other day, walkin’ the dogs. Have you seen their portfolio of work they’ve been doing lately? You’ll love it – check it out!

Canada Day sunset….

Written on July 3, 2009 at 10:51 am, by

I noticed you weren’t out on the west side to watch the fireworks for Canada Day on Wednesday, so I shot this picture for you so you could see last light before it was really dark. Beautiful night, and easy to see the fireworks over Victoria. There’s a slight tilt to the picture ’cause I  Continue Reading

Got their black belts…

Written on July 3, 2009 at 12:30 am, by

My friend Megan Boe has exciting news, from the Hoeller and Kilpatrick-Boe families: Michael Hoeller, age 12, and Me’tairie Kilpatrick-Boe, age 14, were recently presented with their First Degree Black Belts by their instructor, Senior Master Michael Rennick. The two students had tested for their belts in March, and thus were surprised, and thrilled, when  Continue Reading

Cash in with your vacation videos…

Written on July 3, 2009 at 12:27 am, by

Darren from tells me he & Lisa have pulled together a contest for you – a chance to show off your cool videos that you shoot while on vacation. Here’s more about the contest – start shooting! FRIDAY HARBOR, WA – Visitors coming to the San Juan Islands this summer have a chance to  Continue Reading

Are you ready for the weekend?

Written on July 2, 2009 at 12:22 pm, by

The Fourth of July on the island is one of my favorite days on the island (besides graduation & the Fair & soccer games & football games & basketball games & Valentine’s Day & Solstice – both of ’em – and Canada Day.) You can get an idea of the stuff that’s gonna be happening  Continue Reading

Free parking in Anacortes this weekend…

Written on July 2, 2009 at 12:16 pm, by

Here’s the word from the Washington State Ferries folks, giving you a good reason to walk on this weekend instead of bringing your car on the ferry: The parking at the Anacortes Terminal is free from 12:00pm Friday, July 3rd to 11:59pm Monday, July 6th. For all other dates, please pay in advance.

Hangin’ around Town….

Written on July 1, 2009 at 3:17 pm, by

The Chamber’s Debbie Pigman reports: “Town crew members, Jeff Peacock and Dave Smith (not shown) are caught in the act of putting up our Town of Friday Harbor Centennial Bannners. The flying of the banners coincides with the final quarter of celebration of the town’s first 100 years!”

Hangin' around Town….

Written on July 1, 2009 at 3:17 pm, by

The Chamber’s Debbie Pigman reports: “Town crew members, Jeff Peacock and Dave Smith (not shown) are caught in the act of putting up our Town of Friday Harbor Centennial Bannners. The flying of the banners coincides with the final quarter of celebration of the town’s first 100 years!”

On TV on Thursday….

Written on July 1, 2009 at 8:08 am, by

It’s always fun to see yourself on TV, and we like seeing ourselves as much as anyone… here’s the word from Eric at KING5 in Seattle: KING-TV’s popular show Evening Magazine is doing a series of stories called, “Just A Ferry Away”. On Thursday, July 2nd at 7:00 PM on KING-TV we will be featuring  Continue Reading

New book about Roche Harbor comes to the stores….

Written on July 1, 2009 at 7:21 am, by

One of the cool parts of this year’s centennial celebration on the island was Mike & Julia Vouri’s book about Friday Harbor earlier this year (it was great – did you get yours? Here’s the scoop.) Now a book for Roche Harbor is out – Journal of the San Juans editor Richard Walker and Arcadia  Continue Reading

Happy Canada Day!

Written on July 1, 2009 at 6:40 am, by

While we have our national holiday this coming weekend, today is Canada Day for our friends across the water – Happy Canada Day!

Five months & growing….

Written on June 30, 2009 at 7:13 am, by

It was cool to see Alisa Schoultz on the ferry last weekend with her cheerful girl Vera Jane – she was just born to Scott & Alisa on January 18th this year & she’s doing great! -oo-