Topic: Around Here

Early harvest…

Written on June 25, 2009 at 8:47 am, by

That’s the scene from Mullis Street, right across from the airport next to Guard Electric, where the field was mowed & baled this past week. It’s part of why the County receives a rural designation from the state…heck, we LOOK rural.

Argyle House…having a good summer

Written on June 25, 2009 at 8:44 am, by

Located halfway to the Fairgrounds on Argyle… When Art & Jennifer bought Argyle House (click here for more info) in the spring of last year, it was already a good deal – one of the island’s oldest (started in the ’80s) and best established bed & breakfasts (thanks to Bill & Chris Carli, who started  Continue Reading

Getting to know your firefighters…

Written on June 25, 2009 at 8:34 am, by

The Town has a series called “Meet Your Firefighters”… Keri from the Town says that this month’s couple is Vickie & John Miller. Here’s more: It is said opposites attract, and that is ever so evident for Victoria and John. She was raised on a dairy farm in Whatcom County. On the other hand, John  Continue Reading

Photowalk – time to sign up!

Written on June 25, 2009 at 7:24 am, by

One of the best things to do is shoot photos, because you love photography. One of the other best things to do is to shoot pictures with friends, and that’s what Tim Dustrude (here’s his work) is setting up for next month. Here’s more: I am excited to announce that I will be leading a  Continue Reading

Buy Local, Eat Local, Hypnotize Local…

Written on June 25, 2009 at 12:30 am, by

I dropped by Rebecca’s LimbaSlim presentation at the library last week and it was cool – she’s knowledgeable, she’s got a good product, and she’s funny – it’s a good deal. Now she’s expanded that into a hypnotherapy practice in Friday Harbor – here’s more from her press release: Rebecca Barnard has opened a certified  Continue Reading

A poem for ya….

Written on June 24, 2009 at 9:48 am, by

I had this running around in my head this morning, and wanted to share it with you: The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,  Continue Reading

Notes around the island….

Written on June 24, 2009 at 8:18 am, by

Stuff you might be interested in: • Did you notice that islander Lindsey Spaulding was executive producer Mary McLaglen’s assistant in the credits for The Proposal, playing tonight & tomorrow & till next week at the Palace Theatre? She graduated from FHHS about ten years ago & then from Vanderbilt. • John Sinclair took photos  Continue Reading

FHHS Graduation, revisted….

Written on June 24, 2009 at 5:00 am, by

Hey, here’s a couple of places to go to to see what graduation & the senior all-nighter looked like… Grad Night 2009 – Here’s the site (click here!) that details the evening after the ceremony was over, as the seniors rode the Pintail to Jones Island for a spell, back to the hypnotist at the  Continue Reading

Big hair & all that….

Written on June 23, 2009 at 10:53 pm, by

Gretchen from Whidbey Island Bank says they have a team for Relay for Life: Whidbey Island Bank has assembled a team of both bank and community members this year, to participate in the 25th year anniversary of Relay For Life. We are very excited, and proud to be a part of this fantastic event. In  Continue Reading

Francie’s art is on display….

Written on June 23, 2009 at 7:13 am, by

If you get a chance, drop by the Naked Bean, where Francie Hansen was hanging her recycled art yesterday on the wall on the Thai Kitchen side of the coffeehouse. Cool stuff, cleverly put together…check it out! -oo-

Learn to swim this summer!

Written on June 23, 2009 at 6:55 am, by

My friend Amy Wynn wanted you to know this is a great time to learn to swim – here’s more: Ian, I have a little dream.  It’s a much smaller dream than Martin Luther King’s, but I’m sure it will keep me busy.  I’d like for everyone on the island to know how to swim  Continue Reading

Trip to Dominican Republic planned to connect with refugees…

Written on June 23, 2009 at 6:08 am, by

Vic Woodward and his family & friends are pulling together a trip in August, and wanted to let you know about it & see if you’d like to help – here’s more: Trip to Offer Hope to the Dominican Republic Our hearts have been stirred for the global mission field for a few years now.   Continue Reading

Longer hours at the Market Chef….

Written on June 23, 2009 at 5:44 am, by

Over at the Market Chef, Laurie & Tim have got summer hours in place: Hey Ian, I was just wanting to let folks know that we are FINALLY back to our longer summer hours.  Now that Annie and Elena are back from school and ready to work, we can start staying open until 6 p.m.  Continue Reading

Relay for Life profile: Judy Cornell

Written on June 23, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

I’ve been running a little series about folks who are volunteering for Relay for Life this year…here’s a little about Judy Cornell (she’s the accounting chair this year) & why she’s involved with the program: I participated in my first Relay for Life shortly after we learned that our friend, John LoBue, had brain cancer.  Continue Reading

Thanks to all who helped…

Written on June 23, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

We have history on the brain here on the island, since Friday Harbor was founded 100 years ago…here’s more from Sandy at the Town’s Historical Preservation office: May 2009 was National Historic Preservation Month, and this year it was better than ever! Throughout the month, there were 19 local history events that took place island-wide,  Continue Reading

Debbie moves on after summer….

Written on June 22, 2009 at 8:20 am, by

I just heard that after nearly ten years on the job, The Chamber’s Debbie Pigman is moving on this fall. In the mid-1990s, there was no paid staff at the Chamber, so the Board members did everything. In 2000, the Chamber of Commerce hired the first person (it was a part time job) to stay  Continue Reading