Topic: Around Here

Relay for Life profile: The Cole Family

Written on June 16, 2009 at 12:31 pm, by

Every so often, I’ve been posting little stories from folks who are involved in Relay for Life about why they think it’s important. Here’s a note from Jim Cole & his family: Our family moved to the island in February of 2005 and jumped right into participating in the Relay. We had never participated before  Continue Reading

The number of Ians on the head of a pin? 2

Written on June 16, 2009 at 10:59 am, by

Hey, I’m ready to sing for you…this Friday from 7-10pm, I’ll be joined by singer/songwriter  Ian Cooper (Six Inch Voices) and my ace drummeister son Shay at the Naked Bean on First Street (right behind Pelindaba) in a concert to show off different acoustic styles & approaches to lyricism. You’ve probaby seen Ian play around  Continue Reading

Caregivers & survivors invited to Relay for Life in July….

Written on June 16, 2009 at 10:23 am, by

Carrie Unpingco from Relay for Life tells me that they’re inviting folks to the survivors’ lap, and caregivers are welcome, too: At the Friday Harbor High School Track: The American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life of Friday Harbor will be held on July 25 –26 this year. The first lap of this Relay is reserved  Continue Reading

Farmers’ Market…on Wednesday!

Written on June 16, 2009 at 8:24 am, by

I have heard so many people say they just haven’t gotten into the habit of going to the Market on Wednesdays, but that they want to….well, here’s a gentle reminder – it’s happening! My friend Lei from the Market says: Come to the lawn on Second Street, across from the Courthouse parking lot this Wednesday  Continue Reading

PeaceHealth CEO coming here…

Written on June 15, 2009 at 2:51 pm, by

Looks like Jim Barnhart is moving here from Florence, Oregon for the planning stages of the new hospital…here’s more from the Siuslaw News. -00-

Up in the air…

Written on June 12, 2009 at 12:37 pm, by

Loren & Dan & the folks at Westwind Aviation have trained tons of folks around here to fly, and they are now adding to their fleet – here’s more: Westwind Aviation, which provides air charter, flight training and scenic flights here in Friday Harbor, has added a twin engine Cessna 303 to their air charter  Continue Reading

The Dog Park rocks!

Written on June 12, 2009 at 12:24 pm, by

Ever since the Dog Park opened last year, it’s been well-used & has become one of the more popular places in town. Here’s an update for the Update from Lori Stokes: New Island Dog Park is Rousing Success! Last fall, a wonderful new addition to our island opened:  Eddie & Friends Dog Park. It has  Continue Reading

Sailing & racing…

Written on June 12, 2009 at 12:16 pm, by

Patrick Pillsbury reports: Art Lohrey (San Juan Classic Day Sailing) is organizing Friday night races (sailboat) on the waterfront.  Today is the first one.  Anyone interested in sailing their boat or wishing to crew on one of Art’s, should call 298-4007.  This is a low-stakes, minimally competitive venue.  Starting gun is 5:30 pm, call for  Continue Reading

New paint jobs around town…

Written on June 12, 2009 at 12:14 pm, by

Whoa! Did you see the new paint job Aaron & the folks at the Palace Theatre put on – looks good! Along with Be Chic Boutique’s new paint (that’s the former Dominique’s Clothing), that side of the street is looking pretty cheerful & bright. Way to go, you guys!

Check out Brandy’s beads….

Written on June 12, 2009 at 12:07 pm, by

One of the nice things about summer at Roche Harbor is visiting the artists’ booths there between the hotel & the market…last weekend, Brandy Ballard was there with her lampwork beads and other jewelry, as well as wearable art she’s offering this summer… be sure & tell her you saw her here!

Adding on….

Written on June 11, 2009 at 11:51 am, by

Looks like the Lime Kiln Cafe at Roche Harbor expects to be completed with its expansion by the end of the month or sooner. The wood-floored addition looks really good (I peeked through the window) and will increase the overall floor space to 75% more of its original size.

Get full price….

Written on June 11, 2009 at 7:21 am, by

Some call it haggling, some call it negotiating, but you know the game…check this:

Make-A-Wish kid goes whale-watching….

Written on June 10, 2009 at 11:30 pm, by

Erin at San Juan Excursions tells me that the Make-A-Foundation has selected them to take Colin (the kid above) out to see the killer whales. Apparently, he is the 4000th child to receive his wish from the Seattle chapter, and he’ll be on island the 26th of June to take the trip. Congrats to him,  Continue Reading

Whales on the loose…

Written on June 10, 2009 at 1:59 pm, by

Great as it is to see the orcas when they are around, it’s even more fun to see them when they are playing & splashing around… I love the way Sandy Buckley catches them in action. Here are more of her pictures…you’ll love ’em. -oo-

AIA gives local designers environmental award…

Written on June 10, 2009 at 12:03 pm, by

Did you see this one? Local folks, doing us proud: The AIA (American Institute of Architects) Seattle Committee on the Environment presented an award to D+A Studio’s “San Juan Channel House” (see it here) in the 2009 “What Makes it Green” Regional Competition.  This annual celebration of the best sustainable architecture in the Pacific Northwest  Continue Reading

Roche Harbor’s Hook ’em & Hold ’em Salmon Derby & Texas Hold ’em Tournament

Written on June 10, 2009 at 11:46 am, by

Yep, that’s the name of this new fishing derby, coming in December. Here’s more from Roche Harbor’s Debbie Sandwith: Roche Harbor’s Hook ‘em & Hold ‘em Salmon Derby & Texas Hold ‘em Tournament Roche Harbor  is pleased to announce the first Annual ~  Hook ‘em & Hold ‘em  Salmon Derby & Texas Hold ‘em Tournament  Continue Reading