Topic: Around Here

Carrie throws her hat in the mayoral ring….

Written on May 5, 2009 at 12:02 am, by

We sure get good candidates for offices around here…Library bookkeeper & Town Council member Carrie Lacher wrote to tell me (and you) that she’s running for David Jones’ seat when he retires later this year. Here’s more from Carrie’s press release, announcing she’s in: Carrie Lacher, Town Councilmember, announced today her bid for the Mayorship  Continue Reading

The Best of KING5/Washington… and the winners are…..

Written on May 5, 2009 at 12:02 am, by

This spring KING5 (that’s a TV station in Seattle, in case all you do is look at YouTube) held a “Best of” contest. The winners were announced last night, and included some nice surprises: The Whale Museum was selected Best Museum, Pete & Erin’s San Juan Excursions (here’s the website) took top honors in the  Continue Reading

Caught a halibut!

Written on May 5, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

Andy reports on a great fishing day – here’s more. -oo-

Wish registry begun at Island Studios!

Written on May 5, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

Claudia at Island Studios has the perfect answer to your uncertainty about the perfect gift: Island Studios is starting a new service for residents and visitors alike.  I call it the Wish List Registry.  The way it works is that anyone can come in to Island Studios and register in our database items that are  Continue Reading

Dressing up? Start here!

Written on May 4, 2009 at 11:20 pm, by

Bet you didn’t know that a bunch of the FHHS kids in the prom pictures you saw yesterday were dolled up in clothes they rented from the Community Theatre’s costume shop…didja? I didn’t, till Dodie mentioned that you can arrange anytime to borrow their stuff – for a price, which goes back into the Theatre’s  Continue Reading

Relay for Life: Fundraiser at Haley’s for Cinco de Mayo

Written on May 4, 2009 at 10:50 pm, by

Michele Mayer tells me her Relay for Life team from Southeby’s has a Cinco de Mayo event at Haley’s tonight – they have “Amateur Server Night”…no telling how you’ll be served, but the tips go to Relay.

On to Girls’ State this year….

Written on May 4, 2009 at 9:54 pm, by

Minnie Knych tells me the selections of the two girls from FHHS for this year’s Girls’ State have been made – here’s more: Cheyenne Cook and Khaili Radden were chosen as the Girls State representatives for the Unit 163 American Legion Auxiliary for 2009. The American Legion Auxiliary sponsors the week long leadership camp for  Continue Reading

The prom was a blast!

Written on May 3, 2009 at 2:53 pm, by

I hope you don’t have anything planned for the next few minutes, because I know you’ll want to look over these photos from James Krall of the prom last week (it was on the 25th.) They start here (or you can click through, from his front page) – he was the official prom photographer, and  Continue Reading

So, San Juan Canvas is ready to sew….

Written on May 3, 2009 at 2:08 pm, by

Saturday’s Open House for San Juan Canvas brought together the past & present owners to celebrate Derek Steere & Lauren Cohen taking over the sewing machines last month… the company was begun by Susan & Peter Risser in 1972, who passed it on to Patrick & Andra Pillsbury in 2006. Here’s more about San Juan Canvas – friendly folks down there – drop in! -oo-

Another new islander….

Written on May 3, 2009 at 1:58 pm, by

It was great to see Amber with twelve-day-old (today) Channing at the Children’s Festival this past weekend. -oo-

The Children’s Festival – one of the best ever!

Written on May 3, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

One of the great things about going to the Children’s Festival is…ya never want to leave. There is so much to see and do there – so Josie and I shot a bunch of pictures and made a 80-photo portfolio (click here) so you could get the idea (if you weren’t there) and so you  Continue Reading

The Children's Festival – one of the best ever!

Written on May 3, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

One of the great things about going to the Children’s Festival is…ya never want to leave. There is so much to see and do there – so Josie and I shot a bunch of pictures and made a 80-photo portfolio (click here) so you could get the idea (if you weren’t there) and so you  Continue Reading

Springtime in the marina…

Written on May 1, 2009 at 7:43 am, by

The outlook for the weather for the weekend looks bright, with the Children’s Festival & the Sports Auction, as well as the preview for “Always Patsy Cline” on tap…

Hear! Hear!

Written on May 1, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

The other day Stacie Baisch dropped by the office to say hey & show me how much Benjamin has grown – he’s only nine months but growing fast… not walking yet, but I’m guessing he’s doing algebra and studying French. Stacie tells me she’s still working with her audiology patients at San Juan Holistic Healthcare  Continue Reading

The baseball boys, in sixth grade….

Written on April 30, 2009 at 7:38 am, by

That’s FHHS ace pitcher Richie Ochoa in the photo – in sixth grade. Here’s a portfolio of many of our present players who played Orcas this week (and beat ’em Tuesday, and Meridian yesterday) – click here to see what the team looked like in 2003.

Gaylord to run again….

Written on April 30, 2009 at 7:18 am, by

I have no idea if County Prosecutor Randy Gaylord is going to run for his office (I forgot to ask), but I know he’s going to have a run this weekend. When I visited with him on the ferry to Orcas last night, he told me he’s got a 100K run in California at the  Continue Reading