Topic: Around Here

Crop circles…aliens for peace!

Written on April 30, 2009 at 5:32 am, by

I saw this artwork on the way to the west side the other day, on the right on Beaverton Valley Road right before Egg Lake Road. I can’t help but think it looks great from the air…and it’s definitely an idea whose time has come.

Litter situation is better, but work remains…

Written on April 30, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

My friend Lori Stokes just dropped off this note for you, including a list of places that need help getting picked up: Litter Picker-Uppers Rock!!!!! By Captain Pick-It Up, mascot of the San Juan Island Anti-Litter Initiative Two years have passed since the Imagine No Litter! campaign was launched by the San Juan Island Anti-Litter  Continue Reading

Sam’s Dog Massage – now in business!

Written on April 29, 2009 at 12:06 am, by

I just got this note from my friend Becky Shanks, who is pretty proud of our friend Sam Banry (that’s him in the picture with Lola Michelin and she is the Director of Education of the North West School of Animal Massage, receiving his diploma) – here’s more: Sam Banry has just completed a 6  Continue Reading

Boating from Roche to Nanaimo? Read this first…

Written on April 29, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

Ever since I went to the Commodore’s Ball (here are the pictures) & found out there are a LOT of boaters (and captains & crew) on the island, I figured you’d like to hear from other sailors…. Ken charts the way, with detail & video & insights – read his blog here.

Book signing this weekend…

Written on April 29, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

Ruth at waterworks gallery has a book signing to open a show by Catherine Eaton Skinner which runs from May 2 – May 24..she’ll be signing her book, “Unleashed”…here’s more from Ruth: Published in conjunction with the University of Washington Press and Woodland Park Zoo, this book portrays the animals that dwell in the wildness  Continue Reading

Patsy Cline…here

Written on April 28, 2009 at 3:22 pm, by

It opens tomorrow – here’s more from Jan at the Communty Theatre: Directed by SJCT’s Merritt Olsen, Always…Patsy Cline (written by Ted Swindley), brings the music of the country/pop music icon to life on the Whittier stage.  Based on the true story of Patsy Cline (Kate Schuman)’s friendship with Houston housewife Louise Seger (played by  Continue Reading

What separates a blogger from a journalist?

Written on April 28, 2009 at 1:14 pm, by

People often ask me what the Update is – blog? Online newspaper? Daily rant? What? Beats me… as I see it, it’s mostly a chance to share what’s cool about living here on the island. If you’re interested in the greater question, you might read this article from Web Pro News which explores the notion  Continue Reading

New breed of unisex seal, discovered…

Written on April 28, 2009 at 7:25 am, by

On Sunday, walking down on the docks, Josie & I saw some tourists watching Popeye the resident harbor seal, as she was splashing people & stuff… one of ’em said, “That’s Popeye, he’s a harp seal.” Oh. Josie shot this photo of Popeye keeping an eye on folks….

Meanwhile, down in the harbor…

Written on April 28, 2009 at 7:13 am, by

I dropped by San Juan Island Marine Center (located where the old dive shop was, under Downriggers), to see what Mike & Jan Close were up to, only to find them out on the water in the marina (with the dog and their kid) pedaling around in boats they rent. I asked Mike what else  Continue Reading

Sign up to learn to swim….

Written on April 27, 2009 at 9:04 pm, by

Hey, ya live on an island…ya gotta learn to swim! Here’s more from Amy Wynn, who is the main reason a lot of kids on this rock can keep themselves above water: San Juan Island Fitness is now taking registrations for May and June swim lesson sessions.  Classes are twice a week for three weeks  Continue Reading

Here he is….Mr. San Juan!

Written on April 26, 2009 at 9:03 pm, by

I checked in about how the Mr. San Juan contest at the Roche Harbor Pavillion went, and there are four things to report: John Sable (photo, at Rocky Bay Sunday, with the sceptre you get for being king) won the coveted title; the fundrasier made some $8600 for the Friday Harbor PTA (which means: for  Continue Reading

Flowers get delivered in time…

Written on April 26, 2009 at 8:59 pm, by

You thought YOU had a busy Saturday… Julie & Lisa at San Juan Florist were up till midnight the night before, getting corsages & lapel flowers (how DO you spell boot-en-neer, anyway?) ready for the annual Fridy Harbor High prom on Saturday night. I love the little touches they put in each arrangement… and they  Continue Reading

Welcome, Rider!

Written on April 26, 2009 at 8:22 pm, by

There were, of course, TWO signs at King’s Market – Katie & Logan Luft brought Rider into the world on the 18th…another new islander!

Welcome, Henry!

Written on April 26, 2009 at 8:21 pm, by

It was great to hear about Libby (Howard) Oswald’s new boy, the way we hear about things on the island sometimes – with a sign in the window at King’s. (Henry John was born on the 21st). Congrats!

A review of Dan Folgelberg’s last album…

Written on April 26, 2009 at 8:07 pm, by

Local write/author/word wizard Susan Wingate has penned a review of Dan Fogelberg’s latest posthumous release, and if you’re a fan of Dan (I am) I think you’ll love it, and want to go get the album. Check it out here on Susan’s writing blog. -oo-

New owners at IPS

Written on April 26, 2009 at 7:33 pm, by

Ran into Jim and Kate Schuman the other day on the ferry, and they allowed as how they’ve gone & bought Island Petroleum Services (IPS) from Lynn & Charlie Meyer. Saw Jim yesterday tending to things at the Port’s marina fuel dock, and that reminded me. They took over the operation on April first. -oo-