Topic: Around Here

New friend down at Cannery Row….

Written on April 9, 2009 at 10:26 pm, by

That’s Jason from Discovery Sea Kayaks with a land-born orca he met over on Cannery Landing, next to the ferry. He keeps a well-written blog of his trips & observations around the island – check it out!

Volunteers needed at the Visitor Center….

Written on April 9, 2009 at 10:11 pm, by

Sandy from the VC tells me: Volunteers are needed for the San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce Visitor Information Center, which is run mostly by volunteers to provide information to visitors visiting the San Juan Islands. New volunteers are always welcome! Training is offered to familiarize new volunteers with the Visitor Center’s operations. If you  Continue Reading

The gallery is open for the season….

Written on April 9, 2009 at 8:34 pm, by

Have you seen the nice paint job that Ruth did at waterworks gallery? Drop by & check it out! Here’s more: waterworks gallery opens for the spring, freshly repainted, and rehung with new artworks from gallery artists including Anne Belov, Kathleen Hooks,  Michael Dickter, Kathryn Trigg and Joan Stuart Ross. The gallery is pleased to  Continue Reading

Street update….

Written on April 9, 2009 at 7:26 pm, by

The Chamber of Commerce tells me: Sewer Project Update: The paving project that was scheduled for March 23-27 was delayed, initially due to weather, then, when one of the ferries broke down and was temporarily replaced with a smaller one, due to not wanting to use up space on the smaller ferry with equipment. Weather  Continue Reading

Update: SONAR Recorded off of San Juan Island

Written on April 9, 2009 at 3:31 pm, by

Jenny Atkinson is the director of the Whale Museum, and she files this update to Jeanne’s report from yesterday: Beginning at 7 p.m. on April 7, hydrophones operated by The Whale Museum and Beam Reach Marine Science and Sustainability School started picking up unusual sounds.  Hydrophones off the coastline of Lime Kiln State Park and  Continue Reading

Wendy’s got the tuna….

Written on April 8, 2009 at 4:52 pm, by

I ran into Wendy at the Farmers’ Market last weekend where she was selling her tuna…it is troll caught, dolphin-safe, high in omega-3 oil, and you’d love it. She says she’ll have crab later in the season…. You can find out more at her website (click here) for or call her at 360-378-4810. You’ll  Continue Reading

The Elwha’s back!

Written on April 8, 2009 at 2:17 pm, by

Just got a note from the Washington State Ferry folks: The Washington State Department of Transportation Ferries Division has now completed necessary repairs to the 144-auto ferry Elwha. It will return to service on the Anacortes/San Juan Islands route on Thursday, April 9. The  Sealth will return to the  inter-island route by relieving the 34-auto  Continue Reading

Sorting out the island’s flowers….

Written on April 7, 2009 at 10:05 pm, by

You’ve always wondered what those flowers on the trail were (I know I have) – now you can find out! Here’s more from Louisa and Ann: Spring is coming!  Catch the bloom! Wondering what that flower is that you saw on the trail?  We have a new way to find out! The San Juan Island  Continue Reading

Navy tests sonar in the waters to the west….

Written on April 7, 2009 at 10:00 pm, by

When the Navy uses sonar in the waters inhabited by whale, you can be sure of one thing: It’s rough on marine mammals who get around using echolocation to “see” with. At the least… A number of us have petitioned the Navy to stop the exercises, and it’s gone to the Courts & back…presently the  Continue Reading

Playing with his food…

Written on April 7, 2009 at 9:51 pm, by

Monika Weiland shoots great photos of killer whales, and the ones she shot on Monday of transient orcas came out great, including this one of a transient launching a harbor porpoise high into the air. Click here for more of her pictures from a great day out on the water.

Children’s Festival – the poster winners….

Written on April 7, 2009 at 8:20 pm, by

Here are Ally (second place) and Jessica (first place) with their winning posters – way to go, girls! ooo

Elegant Edibles…it’s this weekend, celebrating Friday Harbor’s 100th

Written on April 7, 2009 at 7:31 pm, by

Marta Specht says you’re gonna have fun at this: Friday Harbor’s Centennial Honored at Elegant Edibles: Island pioneer recipes, “The Baker Boys” and a “Peep Hunt” for the little ones are just a few of the new additions to CATS’ annual Elegant Edibles on Saturday, April 11. The gourmet bake sale and fundraiser takes place  Continue Reading

San Juan Yacht Club honors new Commodore at annual Ball…

Written on April 7, 2009 at 7:35 am, by

It was a great evening – with music and dancing provided by Rock & Roll Hall of Fame dj Pay O’Day, food provided by Roche Harbor’s executive chef Bill Shaw and his staff, and good cheer provided by the members of the Yacht Club. The evening honored Commodore Fred Bowen and his wife Carolyn Bowen  Continue Reading

Catherine Bevens places third nationally in essay contest

Written on April 7, 2009 at 7:22 am, by

The other day, proud mom Barbara told me Catherine had placed high in an essay contest, winning a cash prize and a trip to Washington, D.C., along with ace FHHS social studies teacher Greg Sawyer – wow! Way to go Catherine! Here’s the rest of the story, from Sonia Blumstein at the essay contest: ARLINGTON,  Continue Reading

School updates: Supe search & what’s up at Skagit….

Written on April 7, 2009 at 7:15 am, by

School District: The search for a superintendent continues… school board chair Boyd Pratt told me last night that the board voted to shelve the search for a permanent person and look instead for an interim superintendent for this next year, saying the present search didn’t yield a wide enough field of candidates. Skagit Valley College  Continue Reading

Thanks from the slow food group…..

Written on April 7, 2009 at 7:05 am, by

Linda & Maureen from Land & Sea, the San Juan Island chapter of Slow Food USA, say the presentations from the Kallari chocolate cooperative last month went great, and wanted to thank some folks: We had a GREAT visit from translator/intern Rebecca Roebber of the Kallari chocolate cooperative! Thank you so much, Ian, for posting  Continue Reading