Topic: Business

Windermere Helps Out
Written on June 13, 2017 at 5:56 am, by Tim Dustrude
Windermere was at it once again on Friday, doing their annual landscaping and clean-up for the Mullis Community Senior Center. Weeding, sweeping, trimming and general tidying up was done by Daryl Grazia, Rebecca Hughes, Samantha Bryner, Pat O’Day, Tamara Weaver, Susan Schirmer, Annete Schaffer, Jacoba Porter, Zita Sandmeyer and Gary Franklin. Every year since 1984, Continue Reading

Chamber Featured Member
Written on June 7, 2017 at 5:44 am, by Tim Dustrude
SJI Chamber of Commerce Featured Member of the Month – Friday Harbor Art Studio Howie Rosenfeld’s Friday Harbor Art Studio has a new location at 321 Geneste Street. After 25 years as a retail business on Web Street, the Studio is now home based and by appointment. Howie has had retail art galleries here for Continue Reading

Just Transition: The Intersection of Jobs and the Environment
Written on May 25, 2017 at 5:52 am, by Tim Dustrude
Just Transition is the path as yet untaken at the intersection of labor and environment. It’s a way to help people working in industries that are environmentally unsustainable make the transition to new, good jobs in industries that are both environmentally and economically sustainable. Imagine how many jobs would be created if we started training Continue Reading

Congratulations to San Juan Safaris
Written on May 22, 2017 at 5:48 am, by Tim Dustrude
San Juan Safaris Whale Watch & Wildlife Tours Awarded Best-Eco Adventure Tour in the Pacific Northwest For the second year in a row, San Juan Safaris Whale Watch & Wildlife Tours is voted Best Eco-Adventure in the Pacific Northwest by Seattle King 5 and voters in their annual “Best of Pacific Northwest Escapes” viewer polls. Continue Reading

EDC Offers Free Facebook Marketing Workshop
Written on May 18, 2017 at 5:48 am, by Tim Dustrude
Social media is revolutionizing the way we use the internet, and its low- or no-cost tools can be used by small businesses to achieve remarkable results. Join the EDC to learn more about Facebook marketing at a FREE workshop on Wednesday, May 24th on Orcas Island. The course will start out with a basic overview Continue Reading

SJI Chamber Featured Member of the Month
Written on May 10, 2017 at 5:42 am, by Tim Dustrude
The San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce Featured Member of the Month for May is San Juan Transit. Owner Kraig Hansen offers a bit of background on how he and his wife came to the island… This will be my 4th year on the island and 4th year running San Juan Transit, Tours & Charters. Continue Reading

National Travel & Tourism Week
Written on May 10, 2017 at 5:41 am, by Tim Dustrude
The Town of Friday Harbor and the SJ County Council have proclaimed this to be National Travel & Tourism Week May 7 – 13, 2017. Barbara Marrett of the SJI Visitor’s Bureau adds: Hello All, Here is the text of the Tourism Week Proclamation adopted by the County this morning and by the Town on Continue Reading

Help Wanted at the Co-Op
Written on May 9, 2017 at 1:28 pm, by Tim Dustrude
SJI Food Co-Op shares this announcement with you… Dear Volunteers, Do you have a niece or nephew who is visiting for the summer and needs a job? Or perhaps your Aunt from the South of France just moved here and wants to get connected? Or maybe YOU or someone you know would love to be Continue Reading

Cheesecake Grand Opening
Written on May 9, 2017 at 5:49 am, by Tim Dustrude
Gretchen Bennett shares this recap of the Cheesecake Cafe’s grand opening last week… A good time was had by all, visitors were in and out all day. Several cake-walks to give away whole cheesecakes. Cookies were decorated by young and younger. We thank everyone who helped us have a wonderful day with a full day’s Continue Reading

Trades Education Initiative
Written on May 6, 2017 at 5:38 am, by Tim Dustrude
EDC’s Trades Training Initiative up for funding through GiveOrcas The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) is pleased to announce that the Trades Education Initiative is participating in the GiveOrcas campaign through the Orcas Island Community Foundation. Islanders can help bring trades training and family-wage jobs to young adults by donating between May 1st Continue Reading

Business License Renewal
Written on May 4, 2017 at 5:32 am, by Tim Dustrude
Business License Renewal Avoid a Citation! The Town of Friday Harbor wants to thank all businesses that were prompt in renewing their business licenses for year 2017/2018. We are now a month into the new business license year and the Town is auditing its records to determine who is no longer doing business in Town Continue Reading

Healing Waters
Written on May 2, 2017 at 5:49 am, by Tim Dustrude
Healing Waters opens this week at WaterWorks Gallery Jennifer Williams’ Healing Waters is a collection of landscape paintings offering an escape from our busy lives. In choosing this years theme of Healing Waters, she aspires for her paintings to be visual reminders of our fragile natural environment. Her painting process includes a collaged surface of recycled paper, Continue Reading

Keith Entertains at Cheesecake Cafe
Written on May 1, 2017 at 1:38 pm, by Tim Dustrude
Keith Busha writes to let us know that he will be entertaining today from 5:00 to 6:00 at the grand opening celebration at the Cheesecake Cafe and Bakery. Here he is with more… I’m going to be playing at the Opening of the Cheesecake Cafe tonight. I play from 5-6. Also, there are free samples Continue Reading

Succession Planning for Small Business
Written on April 27, 2017 at 5:41 am, by Tim Dustrude
EDC offers free workshop on Succession Planning for Small Business All business owners need to devote time and energy to developing a succession plan for their business. With a succession plan, business owners can identify a person or entity who can continue the business if tragedy strikes or when they decide to retire or sell. Join Continue Reading

First Grads from FH School of Massage
Written on April 24, 2017 at 5:58 am, by Tim Dustrude
Richard Davenport, Director of Friday Harbor School of Massage shares this news… We had our first graduating class of four students. One of them has already passed the Mblex national exam for massage therapists and is ready to send the application onto the state. Also, we already have one student registered for our second session starting in September Continue Reading

Independent Bookstore Day
Written on April 24, 2017 at 5:35 am, by Tim Dustrude
Griffin Bay Bookstore Invites You Celebrate Independent Bookstore Day on Saturday, April 29th. Enjoy Cookies & Cider and a 10% Sale on All Gardening Books. Come to Griffin Bay Bookstore and help honor the rich and vital role that an independent bookstore plays in the social and economic life of our community. Stop in for cider Continue Reading