
Posted April 21, 2009 at 8:42 am by



Have you ever know anyone who appeared in a Super Bowl commercial? Have you ever known a goose who did?

Last Friday, Colleen from San Juan Safaris told me that her (and Bill’s) pet goose Pate died at the age of 20 (not sure what that is, in goose years.) She sent a short list of things she remembers about Pate:

A list of her accomplishments:

Matron goose of 2 farms
Warded off a golden eagle (which ate her pal Gretta)
Out smarted fox, skunks, raccoons, bald eagles and dogs
The only goose who was in love with a 500 lb white llama . . . for 15 years
Appeared in a prime time commercial for Virginia Mason Hospital on Super Bowl Sunday
Learned the intricacies of motion activated lights
Out lived every goose we have ever known . . . ever


Evenings in the yard on the swing
Rides to Dr Michelle in the traveling basket
Corn, Corn and more Corn
Fresh new tender grass
Swimming in the pond
Answering to her name being called
Talking while others tried to speak over her
Being kissed and told how pretty she was
Attention from Uncle Larry
Bread being tossed off the balcony.

Loved by all who met her. We miss her so much.

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Categories: Random Thoughts

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