A Letter from the Superintendent
Posted June 14, 2016 at 5:48 am by Tim Dustrude
Update from San Juan Island School District Superintendent

Dr. Danna Diaz – Contributed photo
Greetings Community Members,
This month, sixty-four seniors received their high school diploma as they crossed the stage and graduated from Friday Harbor High School. Congratulations!! We hope your future is full of joy and infinite possibilities! We are proud of your accomplishments!
As I have stated before and I will continue to reiterate, I appreciate all the students, parents, teachers and staff that have made this a successful year. We made it! Thank you for your dedication, commitment and hard work! We are making a difference in our community, state, nation, and world!!
We will be embarking on a new website and logo. You will see changes this summer and we should be up and running before school starts. Many stakeholders voted on the website template and logo. The “Canopy” template won and the Bull Kelp logo will be used in all of our communication including letterhead, email signature, website, etc. We are excited about the future. I would like to personally thank Lisa Salisbury, Val Curtis and Deb Nickelson for their dedication to this project!
This summer, you will see a transformation with the construction at our schools. The high school will have a new roof and the elementary school will receive a new sprinkler system. Thank you Garrett Holmes and Jose Domenech!!
I look forward to the next academic year. If you have any questions regarding our schools and/or district, don’t hesitate to contact me at 370-7905 or dannadiaz [@] sjisd.wednet.edu. Thank you for your continued support.
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