There is a new Tai Chi class in town!
Posted May 3, 2017 at 5:50 am by Tim Dustrude
Did you know that Tai Chi is not just a slow exercise, it is a powerful full-body workout? Wonderful for all ages, Tai Chi will challenge anyone of any age to develop balance, speed, reflexes, vision and strength. Taught the authentic way, no frills, no fannying around. This Tai Chi class is the real deal for strong warriors who choose to wear gentle clothing. Come join us on Tuesday mornings at the Brickworks. It is a community class, donation only!
Tai Chi
Tuesdays 8:00 – 9:00am
Location: Brickworks, 150 Nichols Street, FH
Tai Chi is an ancient healing/martial art that works by harnessing a person’s life force, spiritual focus and mental stamina. It combines graceful movements with internal energy (Chi/Qi) cultivation, conscious breathwork, and dynamic, spiraliform stretching techniques. The foundation of Tai Chi training is integration of mind, Chi/Qi, and body, gradually increasing flow of internal secretions and inner vitality. When practiced regularly, Tai Chi promotes rejuvenation even at the cellular level. It slows down the aging process and counteracts decline of the physical body and the brain.
The Yang style Tai Chi classes (forms and applications) are taught by Nicholas Corrin, OMD (Doctor of Oriental Medicine) and master of Qigong. The principles of Tai Chi and Qigong have been the guiding force of his 20 years of successful clinical experience. His nationally patented Vibrational Medicine techniques and their astonishing distant healing effects are the result of his life-long dedication to mastering (and teaching) these amazing subtle arts (Qigong and Tai Chi).
The classes are highly disciplined yet always light-hearted, and filled with humor as well as a wealth of information on health issues and preventive medicine. There is, in equal measure, an emphasis on modern scientific research, classical philosophy, humanist culture, and ecology. Beginners are always welcome.
This class is a gem for self-motivated individuals who wish to be empowered to take charge of their well-being on multiple levels. With regular practice, you will become light, fluid, calm and confident. Consistent practice will reward you with quiet power and graceful suppleness.
Friday Harbor Holistic Health
(360) 370-7059
Clinic: 669 Mullis Street, # 202
P.O. Box 225
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 370-7059
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Categories: Education, Health & Wellness
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