Island Senior: Class Offered on Chronic Disease Self-Management

Posted February 28, 2018 at 5:49 am by

Island Senior is a regular column on San Juan Update written by Peggy Sue McRae…

Wendy Stephens – Peggy Sue McRae photo

Islanders will have a unique opportunity starting March 20; to take a six-week course at the Mullis Center designed to help people self-manage living with chronic disease.

The course, supported here by the Northwest Regional Council and San Juan County, was developed by Stanford University and is specifically designed to help people living with chronic diseases improve their quality of life.

The course is free of charge and will be facilitated by Wendy Stephens, San Juan County’s Senior Services Manager and Jami Mitchell, Senior Services Specialist from Orcas. Both Stephens and Mitchell have completed specialized training and are certified to teach the course, an evidence based program that focuses on problems common to people dealing with chronic conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, depression, COPD, obesity, back problems, or any other chronic condition. Studies have shown that participants “have significant, measurable improvements in their health and quality of life”. The course is also recommended for caregivers.

Stephens explained that participants “are empowered to deal with their own issues”, the focus “is on what we can do”. The course also helps participants learn to communicate more effectively with their own physicians.

The book Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions will be available on loan for the duration of the class beginning March 20 and continuing for 6 sessions through April 24. The 2-½ hour sessions on Tuesdays from 11:30 am – 2:00 pm will meet through lunchtime so participants may wish to bring a sack lunch.

Pre-register by calling Wendy Stephens directly at 360-370-7527 or email her at and please feel free to call with questions. Class size will be limited.

Link to: Stanford Self-Management Resource Center

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