Road Construction Will Cause Traffic Disruptions
Posted August 16, 2018 at 5:45 am by Tim Dustrude
Web, “A” and Nichols Street Improvement Project Causing Traffic Disruption On Friday, August 17th
Traffic will be disrupted this Friday, August 17, 2018 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. while specialty contractors prepare the cement treated sub-base for the roadway on Web and “A” Streets.
The Contractor will begin roadwork at the Nichols & A Street intersection (near WSF Lot B) and work their way to the Argyle & Web intersection. The entire construction crew will be focusing on this task in order to expedite the construction process.
The Nichols & A Street intersection will be closed to vehicles in general. Flaggers will be stationed to direct vehicles around the project area.
WSF Lot B will be accessed only through B Street. Ferry workers will direct vehicles up Harrison Street to B Street.
Argyle Avenue will be reduced to one lane of traffic approximately 100 feet north and 100 feet south of the Web Street and Argyle Avenue intersection. Flaggers will be stationed to direct vehicles and pedestrians. The alternative route for vehicle traffic on Argyle Street will be via Spring Street to Caines Street.
In both cases, all businesses located within the project area will be accessible by foot. Web, A and Nichols Streets will have limited vehicle access for businesses only.
The Town is urging drivers to exercise patience and safety. Alternative driving routes to the SJC Fairgrounds are recommended for fairgoers.
Information and updates on the project will be posted as often as possible. Questions can be directed to the on-site Project Manager, Pedro Mena, at
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Categories: Transportation
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