Island Senior: Keep On Truckin’
Posted September 17, 2018 at 6:15 am by Peggy Sue McRae
Island Senior is a regular column on the San Juan Update, written by Peggy Sue McRae…

Walking with Trekking Poles – Peggy Sue McRae photo
One of the most critical components of maintaining happiness and health as we get older is staying mobile and not falling down. Regarding that, I have some good news and I have some some bad news. The good news is that most healthy Americans can expect to live well into their 80s and beyond. The bad news is, we may wear out a few parts and meet some obstacles along the way. Keeping active is the best way to retain mobility and sustain the quality of life mobility provides. The next challenge is not to fall down, a risk that will increase, as we get older.
Lots of things that affect seniors contribute to falling hazards. Loss of eyesight and hearing or a general slowing of reflexes can contribute to a loss of balance. Diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure, and many common medications can also affect your balance. All of the things we know we are suppose to do, eat right, sleep well, and exercise become all the more critical to maintaining active lives and do I even need to say it? Get yourself some sensible shoes. Those platform sandals looked so cool… in the 70s. But now, Serena looks pretty cool in her Nikes and you can too.

Handy Handrail – Peggy Sue McRae photo
What is becoming fairly common these days, a knee replacement, temporarily slowed down my friend Margaret, an avid hiker and loyal dog walker. The operation was so successful she plans to get her other knee replaced too. To get back up to speed around the house she and husband Conrad have installed strategically placed handrails. They have also made use of trekking poles. Trekking poles provide balance and stability while walking and reducing impact on knees, other joints, and strain on muscles.
If keeping good balance is an issue for you please consider taking Stephanie Prima’s class, Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance starting October 4 at the Mullis Center. If you have already lost some mobility consider taking Katrina Wen’s Chair Yoga class also at the Mullis Center starting October 2.
To learn more about these classes link to: Island Senior: New Classes Starting This Fall at the Mullis Center.
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Categories: Health & Wellness, Island Senior, Safety
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