Island Senior: A New Year, A Fresh Start
Posted December 30, 2018 at 11:51 am by Peggy Sue McRae
Island Senior is a regular column on the San Juan Update written by Peggy Sue McRae…

The McRae Clan Motto
The New Year begins and after the indulgences of the holidays many of us enjoy the opportunity to take the old calendar down and give ourselves a fresh start.
Instead of resolutions, I know some people who prefer to start the New Year with slogans, or a motto, to set a tone for the coming year.
Here are just a few examples: “Say yes” or another who more specifically chose “Say yes to extreme self care”. One woman newly retired and starting a new career chose the word “Begin” while another who has a hard time finishing projects chose, “Finish”.
“My attitude is gratitude”, “Life is short, take chances”, “Eat more veggies”, all are simple reminders to live more consciously. I have some ambitious fitness goals this year so have chosen “Fortitude!” the time honored motto of the McRae clan.
If you are looking for ways to improve your life, the Mullis Center can help. Whether you vow to have more fun this year, get some support, get off the rock more often, or take gentle action toward better health, there may be a program just right for you.

Stephanie Prima – Peggy Sue McRae photo
Do you need to take some gentle care of your body? Katerina Wen teaches Chair Yoga at the Mullis Center on Tuesdays. As a January special you are invited to bring a friend at two for the price of one. Classes are $6 members, $7 non-members, and $8 for drop-ins.
On January 11 Stephanie Prima (317-1448) will be offering a free introduction to her Fall Prevention program. Through training your body, improving your reflexes, and building balance and strength you can avoid falling, the common cause of many serious injuries. This is a great opportunity to see if her program is right for you.
Between Field Trip Fridays with Callie McKay, the next one on Jan 25, Tuesday Medical and Shopping Trips, January 8 to Mt Vernon or January 22 to Bellingham, or the Harrison Hot Springs Winter Getaway January 17 and 18, the Mullis Center can help you get off the island affordably and in the best of company.
For fun closer to home, Fun Friday Lunch and Bingo, January 11 at noon offers games, prizes, and a great lunch for only $10! Friday’s at 1:00 pm are also Movie Time at the Mullis Center so bring a friend, choose a DVD from the Mullis Center’s collection, and relax with free popcorn in the comfortable chairs of the Mullis Center library.
Are you an unpaid caregiver in need of a support group? Do you need your hearing checked? When was the last time you brushed up on your CPR and First Aid skills? The Mullis Center can help you out. Do you need your toenails trimmed? Yes, They can even help you with that.
To find out more about any of these programs please call the Mullis Center at 360-378-2677.
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Categories: Community, Health & Wellness, Island Senior, Recreation
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