Tidying Up: Eco-Friendly Tips for Decluttering Your Home
Posted March 16, 2019 at 5:48 am by Tim Dustrude

Photo courtesy of Unsplash
The following article is a guest post written by Neil Stawski…
From living a minimalist lifestyle in a tiny house to tidying up a family home, decluttering seems to be on everyone’s mind lately. Decluttering isn’t a new concept. After all, studies have shown that most Americans still prefer to do some spring cleaning each year.
Now, with the growing popularity of minimalism along with organizational techniques like the KonMari method, it looks like decluttering is more than a trend. It’s a simple, tidy, and organized way to live in your home.
From a financial standpoint, downsizing and decluttering can be beneficial because, although you can’t always control how much money you have, you can control your spending habits. Whether you’re looking to downsize or just clean up your living space, eco-friendly decluttering habits are easier on your wallet and better for the environment.
Here are some ways to tidy up while going green:
Recycling the Big Stuff
One of the misconceptions about minimalism is that it requires you to get rid of all your stuff. Instead, Apartment Therapy recommends using a 90/90 rule. Ask yourself: “Have I used this item in the past 90 days? If not, will I use it within the next 90 days?” If the answer to both of those questions is no, you might consider getting rid of that item.
Of course, when it comes to getting rid of items, it’s important to try to make sure your belongings won’t end up as trash in the world’s landfills. This is especially crucial for larger items like bedding, electronics, and appliances you no longer need. You might sell these larger items, donate them to charity, or give them to friends.
A recent report from Gumtree shows that thanks to the internet, it’s easier than ever to participate in the second-hand economy. For instance, if you have unused items taking up space in your home, you might sell them on eBay or even on the Facebook Marketplace. That way, you’ll be helping others, helping the planet, and even making a few dollars in the process.
Going Digital
Papers can be a surprising contributor to the amount of clutter in your home. Luckily, in this digital age, you can easily eliminate paper clutter by embracing modern technology. You can take photos with your smartphone or scan documents to your computer, then shred and recycle the paperwork.
Speaking of going digital, why not tidy up your electronic devices while you’re at it? Environmental activist Jennifer Nini recommends mindfully considering what files and apps you’re keeping on your phone, tablet, or computer. “[D]on’t you think it’s time to delete those temporary files and those that you’ve made years ago? Do you absolutely need to keep your 3,756++ photos and videos?” You might also delete any extra social media accounts or any unused apps.
Green Cleaning
As you plan for eco-friendly tidying, be sure to include some green cleaning products. Some of the most common cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can hurt us and our planet. When choosing household cleaners, look for natural ingredients rather than chemicals. Even better, you can save money by using items you probably already have in your pantry. Vinegar, olive oil, baking soda, and lemon juice are just a few affordable ingredients that can help you clean your home on a budget.
Minimalism and decluttering have been proven to boost happiness and reduce depression. To get into the right mindset, choose the decluttering method that best suits your personality and lifestyle. Some people might resonate with Marie Kondo’s method of only keeping items that spark joy. Other people might prefer a different approach, like minimalism. Only you can decide which approach works best for your home.
Regardless of whether you use KonMari, minimalism, or another method of “tidying up,” you’ll be on the right track for helping the environment. Just make sure you’re implementing environmentally-friendly or “green” cleaning practices into whichever method you use. That way, you’ll feel good about helping the planet while also bringing a clean, clutter-free vibe to your home.
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Categories: Environment
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