“Back with a Twist: Inner Journey Collage© Online”
Posted June 12, 2020 at 4:20 pm by Tim Dustrude
Collage isn’t just a fun activity or a way of cleverly recycling old magazines and greeting cards. Collage can be one form of art therapy that heals!
That research-based assertion inspired me to create Inner Journey Collage© (IJC) for women in 2012. Since then, IJC workshops have been held at island venues like XYZ Movement Arts, Bonnie’s Creative Passions and Into the Woods Bed and Breakfast. Some “IJCollagers” have also participated in “IJC Private Parties©” (where a hostess invites a handful of girlfriends to explore a topic of choice together in the privacy of her home.) Over the years, themes have included “Maternal Spirit,” ”Taming Your Inner Critic,” “Turning Over New Leaves,” “Igniting Your Inner Light,” “I am Enough”…
Whatever the theme and wherever the location, island women participate in the 4-part process that sets IJC apart from recreational collage or other collage methods. Its Explore, Create, Listen and Share process encourages deep diving into topics that explore participants’ inner and outer worlds in the safe, supportive company of other women on the self-discovery journey.
Soon after the shelter-in-place protocols began across the U.S., I was asked to offer IJC online. My Zoom experience with the ongoing “ITM (In This Moment) Circle” (see 4/3 Update article, “… A Special Invitation”) has emboldened me to convert IJC to a virtual format and honor requests for additional workshops in the imminent future.

Deb Langhans – Contributed photo
The first Inner Journey Collage© Virtual Workshop will take place on Sunday, June 28th. Given these challenging times, its theme and title came easily: “Cultivating Resilience.” This ability to weather the storms of life and bounce back after adversity is a key factor in both our quality and quantity of life; it’s definitely one of the most empowering characteristics we can cultivate.
My invitation to island women: If you’re interested in enjoying a fun, satisfying and therapeutic process using collage as the centerpiece for exploring and strengthening the resilience that already lies within, visit my website, journeystohealing.com/inner-journey-collage and register at the link at the bottom of the page where you’ll also find more details. Please don’t procrastinate–only 12 spaces are available and the registration deadline is 6/23.
Please continue to stay safe and well… I hope to be seeing you soon– online!
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Categories: Education, Health & Wellness
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