End of Summer Porch Light Bug Count Seeks Citizen Participants
Posted August 19, 2020 at 5:21 pm by Peggy Sue McRae

Bugs of the San Juans – Contributed photo
Bug Count hosted by Bugs of the San Juans…
Activity for Islanders! End of Summer Porch Light Bug Count! August 20 at 12 PM – August 31 at 3 PM
So, I’ve been checking out what insects show up at our porch light around 10:00 pm and took a short video clip last night after I’d had the light on for about 10 minutes.
Typically, I don’t like to leave the lights on all night out of consideration for neighbors, critters, and the fact that light pollution is a real thing. We should be concerned about saving energy too.
Plus, if the outside sky is lit up, you can’t see the moon and the stars and that’s something we just miss way too often in our busy lives. Covid is a good excuse to slow down and adopt new habits, like watching for insects, stargazing, etc.
So I’m hoping to recruit San Juan Islanders to participate in the End of Summer Porch Light Bug Count! Will you contribute? All it costs is your time!
I’d like you to count insects for me. If you can post a short video clip (2 minutes max) on the Bugs of the San Juans Facebook Page and maybe a comment about how many insects you count in a 5 minute period for the next few nights, I’d really appreciate it.
Maybe have a “stay up late” party for your family and sit on your deck or porch with the light on for a bit and video, photograph, and make notes of what insects you see. Even if you aren’t certain what the bugs are, but can post photos, that counts!!! I’ll do my best to at least ID to insect order what you post. Please add your island (i.e. SJI, Orcas, Lopez, Shaw, Waldron, etc. ), date of your observations, and time of observation if you don’t mind.
Also…spiders can be included in your count as well. Thank you so much in advance. I’m looking forward to seeing what YOU find.
p.s. One tip I’ve learned. LED lights don’t attract many insects. Try putting in a light bulb that will give off a bit of heat.
Bonus points if you can add in your post what light bulb you used.
Link to: Bugs of the San Juans Facebook Page
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