Granny’s Cove, Grandma’s Cove, or the Sandy Beach?
Posted September 5, 2020 at 9:16 am by Peggy Sue McRae
Lately I’ve noticed islanders having perennial conversations regarding certain place names. Is English Camp “British” Camp? Of course not. Its English Camp and always has been (in my not so humble opinion – Peggy Sue here). When did Mt Young get demoted to Young Hill? Is it Granny’s Cove or Grandma’s? Locals call it Granny’s Cove but where did that name come from?

Sally McRae at Granny’s Cove 1951 – photo courtesy Mullis/McRae family
My Dad, Jim McRae, grew up at American Camp and when we were kids our family called Granny’s Cove, “The Sandy Beach” for obvious reasons. When did it become Granny’s? If you know or have a theory let us know in the comments.
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Categories: Around Here
Robert and Jesse Firth, who took over from Griffith during the pig war, ran the Hudson Bay Co farm where they raised eight children–many of which moved off island after marriage etc. Many of the grandkids came back to the farm (Bellevue Farm) summers and swam in the cove. My theory is that their off-island memories called it Grannie’s Cove, but it wasn’t until their offspring returned to the island that their naming become localized, either because they settled here or visited cousins here. (My wife is one of them). And the name stuck.
Thank you Dan. That is one of the best explanations I’ve heard.
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