Skagit Valley College Offers GED Prep, English Classes
Posted February 15, 2021 at 4:30 am by Hayley Day
From Skagit Valley College
Skagit Valley College Basic Education for Adults program is offering spring quarter classes for high school completion, GED Prep and English language acquisition
Skagit Valley College’s Basic Education for Adults office,, is continuing to offer services via remote delivery, as well as some in-person support offered by SVC BEdA faculty.
Spring Quarter classes begin on Monday, April 5 for High School Completion, GED Prep and English Language Acquisition. It’s not too late to apply!
Appointments are being offered by phone or online Zoom appointments. To schedule an appointment to get registered, email or call 360-416-7640.
There are a number of resources available for you, such as laptop loans, funding and advising support to help you navigate these challenging times. The SVC Libraries at the Mount Vernon and Whidbey Island campuses are loaning technology to help you succeed. For more information, visit
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