Island Senior: Friday Harbor Electric Adds Mullis Center Power Source for Dental Vans
Posted April 27, 2021 at 5:30 am by Peggy Sue McRae

Contributed Photo – Fish for Teeth Provides Dental Care
Dental Vans will no Longer use Generators Thanks to Free Installation
“Island Senior” is a regular column on the San Juan Update written by Peggy Sue McRae.
The Mullis Center, the mobile dental clinics and their patients, plus the entire neighborhood around the Mullis Center can breathe a big sigh of relief.
Thanks to Friday Harbor Electric for installing, at no charge, the new Shore Power Supply at the Mullis Center the dental vans will no longer have to rely on stinky, noisy, generators to serve the dental needs of community members.
“Fish for Teeth” gets its name from the Fish Taco fundraisers.
If you have not tried these delicious fish tacos you owe yourself this treat. The “Smile” Mobile dental team sees babies, children, teens and pregnant/postpartum women on Apple Health or uninsured. Fish for Teeth does not require specific guidelines.
If you need dental care and cannot afford it pick up an application at the Family Resource Center, the County Health Department or online at

Contributed Photo – Fish for Teeth Dental Van
When the Fish for Teeth and Smile Mobile dental vans, both of which visit our island several times a year, expressed interest in switching to an electric power source, the Mullis Center and Fish for Teeth set to work figuring out how to fund the switch.
This change will allow the nonprofit dental vans to tap into the Mullis Center’s electric grid instead of using their loud, dirty and expensive generators. Plus, with a reliable power source, the Mullis Center becomes a natural home base for the two nonprofit dental vans when providing their services on San Juan Island.
With Friday Harbor Electric generously offering to provide the installation of the Shore Power Supply at no charge, the Mullis Center and Fish for Teeth can stop worrying about fundraising for the project and the mobile dental care providers look forward to a reduction in costs associated with power production, freeing up more funds to directly serve their patients.
A big THANK YOU to Friday Harbor Electric!
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Categories: Health & Wellness, Island Senior
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