Update on Sean Morrison
Posted October 7, 2021 at 5:38 am by Tim Dustrude
The trials and fears in life that bring us to our knees also fine tune our senses to recognize each miracle, big or small, and let our hearts embrace each act of kindness, devotion and generosity that selfless, loving people give so freely. We are so humbled by those who have helped our family navigate these first steps towards healing and recovery. “Thank you” will forever seem inadequate.
The Neurology Center that performed Sean’s EEG yesterday called me this afternoon. They said they wanted to make sure I did not have to wait all week. (They must know me by now ) Sean’s EEG was perfectly normal!! Based on my understanding, this means safely removing the AVM can remain our primary focus. Anxious to get a surgery date on the calendar!
One more amazing thing happened today. I found out about a policy change that was announced today. Kaiser Permanente Insurance has just signed a two-year contract with all UW medicine Facilities!! This includes Harborview Medical Center and many others! This opens the door for ALL Kaiser Families to have multiple options and access to much needed doctors and services. This hopefully indicates Kaiser Insurance holders will not have to fight for necessary care in times of urgency and desperation. Incredibly thankful that a path to healing has been paved for all families!”
Here’s the gofundme account link:
Many thanks for your thoughts, prayers, & donations!
Sean will have surgery soon…I’ll keep you updated.
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Categories: Health & Wellness, People
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