Lifesaving Effort by Members of the Public on October 11th
Posted November 3, 2021 at 5:52 am by Tim Dustrude

Contributed photo – (left to right): Sarah Hill, Ryan Nelson, Dave Kinneman, Tom Eades, Joe Davis, Kati English, Brad Creesy, Nickie McDonald
Congratulations to Dave Kinnaman and Joe Davis for their lifesaving efforts on October 11, 2021. When a visitor to the store collapsed outside Marketplace in Friday Harbor their quick action to initiate CPR helped save a life.
Medical Program Director Joshua Corsa, M.D., along with crews from San Juan Island Fire and Rescue and San Juan Island EMS recognized Joe and Dave for their quick response. Dr. Corsa gave them both a challenge coin and said: “In emergencies like this a quick response from the public can make all the difference in the world.”
They had just recertified in CPR and First Aid a couple weeks prior to the October 11th event. If you or your institution is interested in taking a CPR course, contact Lainey Volk, Director of Outreach at San Juan Island EMS. or 378-5152 ext 102.
The patient is home and has largely recovered.
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Categories: Community, Health & Wellness, People, Safety
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