About the Author
Ian Byington

I’ve been writing this & adding to it since 1997, and it has morphed into what you see now during that time – a collaborative effort between our community and me to tell the story of what makes an island tick, and to celebrate the cool things that happen.

Recent Posts by Ian

Painting under the influence of…music

June 18, 2009 at 4:26 am

Over at Gallery San Juan (right across from the Market Chef), Barbara reports they had a great time Saturday night – people could paint while the Playrite Boys played, and see what they came up with. The show is called Rhythm & Art…she tells me everyone painted, and David King of Friday Harbor won $100  Continue Reading

They're stinky, they're slinky… seen one?

June 18, 2009 at 4:07 am

My friend Frankie Robertson was wondering if you see (or photograph!) a minke whale, if you wouldn’t mind letting her & her team know. By the way, I’m not being mean by saying they’re stinky…ever left boccoli in the fridge for a week too long, and sniffed it? Probably said to yourself, “Is that broccoli,  Continue Reading

They’re stinky, they’re slinky… seen one?

June 18, 2009 at 4:07 am

My friend Frankie Robertson was wondering if you see (or photograph!) a minke whale, if you wouldn’t mind letting her & her team know. By the way, I’m not being mean by saying they’re stinky…ever left boccoli in the fridge for a week too long, and sniffed it? Probably said to yourself, “Is that broccoli,  Continue Reading


June 17, 2009 at 12:08 am

The natural world is the larger sacred community to which we all belong. Thomas Berry

Jump-kelp instead of jump-rope….

June 17, 2009 at 12:01 am

Just got this picture from Debbi Fincher as the kids had an end-of-year trip to South Beach: Hi Ian! I thought this was pretty cool – today some of the 3rd graders made their own “jump rope” out of bull kelp which had washed up with the tide. Some parents enjoyed an upper body work  Continue Reading

Eric & his friend, plus thoughts about Skype…

June 17, 2009 at 12:01 am

You may have run into Eric Cheng on the island – he has a well-written blog in which he covers a lot of things, including his search for a replacement for Skype & his relationship with the island’s favorite camel, Mona. Check it out – he’s fun. -oo-

Eric & his friend, plus thoughts about Skype…

June 17, 2009 at 12:01 am

You may have run into Eric Cheng on the island – he has a well-written blog in which he covers a lot of things, including his search for a replacement for Skype & his relationship with the island’s favorite camel, Mona. Check it out – he’s fun. -oo-

Abby & Cody tie the knot…

June 17, 2009 at 12:01 am

You remember Abby Spann, our Island Rec recreation specialist who moved to Spokane last month? Well, she & her fellow Cody got married about three weeks ago in Spokane, and officiating at the wedding was San Juan County Sheriff Bill Cumming. You see, when Abby came here a few years ago as an intern, she  Continue Reading

Abby & Cody tie the knot…

June 17, 2009 at 12:01 am

You remember Abby Spann, our Island Rec recreation specialist who moved to Spokane last month? Well, she & her fellow Cody got married about three weeks ago in Spokane, and officiating at the wedding was San Juan County Sheriff Bill Cumming. You see, when Abby came here a few years ago as an intern, she  Continue Reading

FHES kids give to the Nature Institute…

June 16, 2009 at 11:55 pm

Fiona Noris from the San Juan Nature Institute announces: Friday Harbor Elementary School Supports Young Naturalists: The Student Council at Friday Harbor Elementary School organized a fundraising drive to support San Juan Nature Institute’s Young Naturalist Classes. They sold environmentally friendly aluminum water bottles and raised more than $1,000. At the awards ceremony this morning  Continue Reading

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