The fundraiser at the Fairgrounds two weekends ago went really well – over 750 people came & over $90K was raised. Here’s a thank you letter to the community from FHAA president Donny Galt: Hello San Juan Islanders! On behalf of the Friday Harbor Athletic Association and the 80+ volunteers that helped organize and operate Continue Reading
Recent Posts by Ian

Thanks for the success of the Field of Dreams Fundraiser!
May 2, 2012 at 6:33 am

Getting creative at FHHS….
May 1, 2012 at 10:52 pm
Every so often Update reporter Collin Williamson lets me know about great things happening at school, and one of them is his creative writing class – here’s more about how it’s going: If you happen to stop by FHHS’s creative writing class second period, you’ll not only get to meet this handsome writer (he said shyly), Continue Reading

Cinco de Mayo (on the second!) for the Community Dinner!
May 1, 2012 at 9:07 am

On the trail with this spring’s Community Projects….
May 1, 2012 at 7:41 am
As we continue our series about the good things that students at Friday Harbor High are up to, here’s a report from two FHHS girls who are helping in the woods on the westside – here’s their report: FHHS Girls Find Community Spirit Strong Especially for Improving Multi-Use Trails With NPS! by Julia Bevens and Continue Reading
Friday Harbor High’s spring playoff schedule…
May 1, 2012 at 7:29 am
It’s that time of year, as th eteams get the last rainouts in & elbow for playoff position this spring – here’s the writeup from FHHS athletic director Rod Turnbull, with the news as of yesterday (when the regularly scheduled baseball & softball games were canceled…): Our spring teams are quickly approaching the District 1 Continue Reading

As April moves on & May moves in…
April 30, 2012 at 1:18 am
It’s almost May Day, but there’s still a little going on in this little bit of the month that remains – let’s check: • Charlie Anderson from the Community Foundation tells me the hospital‘s ribbon-cutting is set for November 17th, and the project is on-time & under budget – ready to serve folks come December. Continue Reading

Passing: Lynette King Guard
April 30, 2012 at 12:27 am
Yesterday was the service for a grand lady of the island…here’s more about her life & the impact Lynette Guard had on so many of islanders through the years: Lynette King Guard (Nammie), 89, passed away peacefully at her home on San Juan Valley Road, San Juan Island, WA, Saturday, April 21, 2012. With her Continue Reading

Making things better….
April 30, 2012 at 12:13 am
At times, islands come together to make things better. Saturday night it was wonderful to see some 150 or so people come together to raise money to make a scholarship in the late Dr. Marcia Zakariason‘s name…there was salmon, and music, and a silent auction & dessert auction, and there was time to remember what Continue Reading
Come take my class!
April 30, 2012 at 12:07 am
You’ve done it – finished that brochure or your website, telling all about what you have to offer. You show it to a few friends who tell you it’s great. Then you see them a few days later and they say, “I forget – what is it that you do?” There’s a way beyond this. Continue Reading
The Catalyst! Celebrating Eighty Years!
April 30, 2012 at 12:01 am
Here’s more from Shannon Bailey: Please join the crew of the MV Catalyst and Pacific Catalyst II Inc in celebrating the 80th birthday of the grand lady, MV Catalyst, in an Open Boat Party and Tour on May 5, 2012, 1 -5pm. The Catalyst, once the workhorse of the Chemisty/Oceanography Department of the University of Continue Reading
Recent Comments by Ian
- February 22, 2015 on The Enchanted Forest
- October 1, 2014 on Eastside Stories from Vancouver