I think it’s gonna be fun – I’ve been to the rehearsals & am looking forward to hearing everyone sing on Saturday…and it’s a little fundraiser for a good cause…here’s more from Monique Woodward: This evening is in support of a local team of adults and young people who are going to the Dominican Republic Continue Reading
Recent Posts by Ian

Baby eagle…
March 22, 2012 at 10:30 am
As I post this, this mama eagle is about to hatch her third egg (she’s on top of it)….click here to see the Eagle Cam…. I know it’s in Iowa, but I thought you might like to see how our eagles get born. Happy new life! 🙂

Passing: Carol Marble
March 22, 2012 at 9:35 am
A couple of days ago, Tracy Roberson let me know her mom, Carol, had passed away peacefully at her home on the evening of March 18, 2012 after a long battle with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Carol did so much for the island that the list is long & the thanks could probably never be enough Continue Reading
It’s this Sunday – the Run Ladies Run Half Marathon & 10K Run
March 21, 2012 at 8:47 am
It was cool to catch up with Kerry Andrews & Boo Boo Keane yesterday and ask how the race is shaping up for this weekend…the Run Ladies Run Half Marathon & 10K Run is set to go at 9:30am on Sunday morning (with temperatures in the 50’s predicted). Haven’t signed up yet? They’ll be at Continue Reading

A poem for spring, a poem for you….
March 21, 2012 at 8:02 am
As the island comes alive again this spring (hoping you had a happy vernal equinox, yesterday!), I seem to always hear this poem in my head, watching the birds come out & the buds & the sprouting of things & the smiles of people on Spring Street, which today feels like it’s named after a Continue Reading
A minute sooner, a minute safer…student project aims to put AED at gym
March 21, 2012 at 7:12 am
This spring, students in the Community projects class at FHHS are meeting the community’s needs in a variety of ways – here’s an innovative project by Micah & Sofya, reported by Update reporter Collin Williamson: Imagine you’re playing in an intense ball game. The score is close, and your chest is pumping rapidly. All of Continue Reading
Around the island…
March 18, 2012 at 11:56 pm
Hey, good morning to you! Hope you had a great weekend (I know you did) and let’s see what’s going on this week: • There’s still room at St. David’s Day School – here’s more from Margaret: Saint David’s Day School Now Accepting Registrations for Kindergarten and Pre-K Programs Registrations for the 2012-2013 school year Continue Reading

Kyle….skateboards into a movie…check it
March 18, 2012 at 11:25 pm
You remember Kyle Steneide, who graduated from FHHS (’08)….well, turns out he’s not only a heck of a skateboarder, but also a heckuva a filmmaker, too. Here’s the trailer for his film About Time, which premieres May 22nd at the Historic University Theatre in Seattle, with 7pm and 9 pm showings! Pre-order tickets available soon!! Continue Reading

And…1, 2, 3, 4…I love you!
March 18, 2012 at 12:13 am
You & 11 million other people have already heard this song, so let’s sing along with the Plain White T’s:
Recent Comments by Ian
- February 22, 2015 on The Enchanted Forest
- October 1, 2014 on Eastside Stories from Vancouver