Topic: Around Here

Bolshoi in HD THIS Friday

Written on July 22, 2015 at 5:47 am, by

A 20th-century classic showcases the next Bolshoi Ballet Only in Cinemas presentation at San Juan Community Theatre this Friday, July 24 at 7:00 pm. Drawing on the music composed by Prokofiev for the 1944 Eisenstein film, Ivan the Terrible, is a work in the true Bolshoi style. Yuri Grigorovich’s powerful and fascinating epic dramatizes Ivan the  Continue Reading

Know Your Island Walk

Written on July 22, 2015 at 5:45 am, by

Meet Mike Buettell, volunteer trail builder and mountain climber extraordinaire, to walk “new trails” in the Roche Harbor system. Explore Tim’s Trail to the new Polywog Pong, the Bent Cedar Trail and Sophie’s Romp. Meet and park at the intersection of Roche Harbor and West Valley Roads. Distance: 3-1/2 miles Rating: Moderate on gentle trails  Continue Reading

Liminal Currents at IMA

Written on July 22, 2015 at 5:40 am, by

Here’s a note from Diane Martindale about the ongoing Liminal Currents exhibit at IMA… Today, another 60 “wishes” were hung in the exhibition. If you saw the exhibit early on, visit again as the blessings, prayers and wishes create a whole new dimension.  Also, 300 more papers went onto the tables for visitors to use—we ran  Continue Reading

Meet the Muralist: Lindsay Carron

Written on July 21, 2015 at 5:50 am, by

Storm Drain Event! Lindsay Carron, an artist & muralist, will be in town this week. Along with Josh Peters, an outfitter in Alaska, she is giving us a great gift. Later this summer, permit pending, she will paint a gianormous mural on the side wall of The Whale Museum – it will depict orcas chasing  Continue Reading

Encampment 2015 This Weekend at English Camp

Written on July 21, 2015 at 5:45 am, by

Re-enactors from throughout the Pacific Northwest and Canada will once again celebrate peace as they gather for the 17th Annual Encampment scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, July 25-26 on the English Camp parade ground. The weekend includes recreations of mid-19th century Royal Marine Light Infantry and U.S. Army camp life, demonstrations of music, blacksmithing, spinning  Continue Reading

Fair Feud

Written on July 21, 2015 at 5:42 am, by

Just got this note from Kira on the Fair Board about a fun new event at this year’s Fair, and how businesses can promote themselves. Here’s Kira with the story.. Hi there. As a proud Fair Board member, I would like to invite the business owners of our community to perform their own live commercials  Continue Reading

IMA Fair Raffle Booth

Written on July 21, 2015 at 5:35 am, by

Small canvasses will be available starting this Friday, July 17 at the San Juan Islands Museum of Art (IMA) from 11-6 (regular hours are Thursday-Monday). Create an art piece for the raffle booth. If you haven’t participated before, here are the details: You create a piece and it joins others in the IMA booth in  Continue Reading

Spineless at the Whale Museum

Written on July 20, 2015 at 5:50 am, by

Come to The Whale Museum on Friday, July 24, at 6:30 p.m. for an Author Talk & Book Signing with Susan Middleton, author of the newly released book Spineless: Portraits of Marine Invertebrates, the Backbone of Life. In her new book and exhibition at the San Juan Islands Museum of Art, photographer Susan Middleton offers  Continue Reading

Exploring Willow Bark: Form, Function and Sculpture

Written on July 20, 2015 at 5:49 am, by

Immerse your fingers, heads and hearts in locally grown willow barks in a series of workshops with Judy Zugish that leads you gently through basket to wearable hat to sculpted art. Judy will share her willow growing, harvesting, and prep tips while you engage with this lovely renewable material. Imagine the fun of making your  Continue Reading

Pets of the Week

Written on July 20, 2015 at 5:46 am, by

Hi there. That’s me, “Miss Kitty” on the left with my brother, “Scooter” there on the right. We’ve lived together our entire lives, even when our owner passed away almost a year ago and we were brought to the animal shelter. We’re not spring chickens, but we still have a lot of love to give  Continue Reading

Chamber Chat

Written on July 20, 2015 at 5:43 am, by

Chamber Chat is a monthly column written by Lauren Cohen, Co-owner San Juan Canvas, LLC and Chamber of Commerce Board President… As July flies by it looks like we are having our usual crazy, crowded summer on the Island. All of us on the Chamber of Commerce Board and staff hope that all of our  Continue Reading

UW / PIMC Rural Residency Program

Written on July 20, 2015 at 5:41 am, by

PeaceHealth, in collaboration with the University of Washington School of Medicine’s Division of Emergency Medicine, is hosting four Emergency Medicine physicians this summer in a newly created rural residency program at PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center in Friday Harbor. All of the physicians are entering their fourth year of specialty training and will complete a  Continue Reading

Meet Your Volunteer Firefighter

Written on July 20, 2015 at 5:40 am, by

Sheila Harley, Public Information Officer of SJIFR shares this month’s firefighter column… Fernando is a self-employed tile setter and stone mason. Presently he is classified as FireFighter I and will soon be going for FireFighter II, the next step up the ladder of command. He drove his first big truck at the age of 7  Continue Reading

Whale Scout Helpin’ Out!

Written on July 19, 2015 at 5:48 am, by

Third Lagoon offers a unique habitat for wildlife on San Juan Island. Unfortunately, over time the preserve has accumulated decades worth of plastic debris from the ocean. If not removed, these plastics and the microplastics they break down into can be ingested by wildlife, including fish that us humans and whales consume. Scientists are discovering  Continue Reading

Renowned Storyteller to Present Pig War Fun at English Camp

Written on July 19, 2015 at 5:42 am, by

Join renowned Washington State storyteller Karen Haas for an hour of first-person history and fun about the Pig War scheduled for 7:00 p.m., Friday July 24 in the historic Royal Marines Barracks at English Camp. Tensions were running so high in 1859 that the shooting of a pig nearly hurled the United States and Great  Continue Reading

Dizzy Hips Hula Hoops

Written on July 18, 2015 at 1:55 pm, by

San Juan Island Library Summer Reading Program Dizzy Hips will perform as part of the San Juan Island Library’s 2015 Summer Reading Program. Paul Blair, AKA Dizzy Hips, is a seven-time Guinness World Record holder in hula hooping. His show includes dynamic spectacles, audience participation, entertaining stunts and fun fitness promotion. Free Family Performances, Wednesday, July  Continue Reading