Topic: Around Here

More Thanks

Written on November 22, 2012 at 12:10 pm, by

I should have included this in my earlier “thanks” post below, but I was pretty sleepy when I posted that and it just really didn’t hit me til now, but I want to shout out a huge Thank You to Ian Byington. Thank you Ian for being such a great friend through the years, for  Continue Reading


Written on November 22, 2012 at 5:36 am, by

For all the things we have to be thankful for, great friends, good neighbors, a wonderful community to live in with great people, we also can be thankful for ZZ Top. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Meanwhile, on Friday….shop local!

Written on November 21, 2012 at 10:13 am, by

You wanted to get out & around the island on Friday anyway, didn’t you? Here are some ideas of things you can do, without leaving the comfort of your island: • The Island Artisan’s Holiday Marketplace gets underway at 10am – here’s the scoop from Rhonda Scott: San Juan Island Artisans are sponsoring their 34th annual event featuring  Continue Reading

Shopping Spree at Kings Market – wahoo!

Written on November 20, 2012 at 3:01 pm, by

It was fast & it was fun. It’s been fun the last few weeks to wonder who would get to do the four minute annual shopping spree that the Lions Club puts on each year, right before Thanksgiving…. This year’s winner, Twoie Ridgway, chose her daughter Sarah Galt & grandson Donald Galt (who tells me  Continue Reading

Pies! Get yer Pies!

Written on November 20, 2012 at 2:39 pm, by

This was sent over from the Elementary School….

Around the island….

Written on November 20, 2012 at 12:16 am, by

There’s a lot going on….let’s check it out: • Today is the San Juan Island Lions Club’s Annual Shopping Spree, wherein a lucky winner has four minutes to run around Kings Market gathering as much as possible in a grocery cart. Kinda like the Running of the Bulls, but easier on the spectators….the action is  Continue Reading

“First Snow”

Written on November 20, 2012 at 12:01 am, by

Arctic Raven Gallery sends along this notice: Our long summer drought is over and the familiar rains have made their first appearance.  “First Snow” is just around the corner. “Apiqqaagun” (Yup’k for first snow) has already arrived in the far north. The transition down here will be much more fun as we present the colorful  Continue Reading

Passing: Sandy Cameron

Written on November 19, 2012 at 9:25 am, by

It was so good to have Sandy around – whether he was helping welcome people at the Community Theatre or setting up the next Robert Burns Dinner (or telling me how cool it was that some Koreans were setting up one…in Korea! And were using him as a consultant….). The island misses him – here’s  Continue Reading

Voice of Washington Surveys

Written on November 18, 2012 at 11:33 am, by

Thought you might be interested in this… This January, the State Legislature and Governor will be faced with tough choices – should transportation taxes be raised or services be cut? To help decision-makers, the Washington State Transportation Commission (WSTC) will soon be sending you an on-line survey covering transportation funding and policy issues.  [editor’s note:  Continue Reading

Ribbon Cutting

Written on November 17, 2012 at 2:06 pm, by

It was a huge crowd at the grand opening ceremony of the new Peace Island Medical Center. Standing room only. Click on the photo and see if you recognize anyone. You probably will – the whole town was there. That’s Lenore Bayuk with the scissors getting ready to cut the ribbon. We’ll have more photos  Continue Reading

Holiday Stuff

Written on November 17, 2012 at 5:50 am, by

Mark your calendars before they fill up with too much holiday stuff  – Ellen Roberts passes along this schedule for Islands A Capella…

Pet of the Week

Written on November 16, 2012 at 4:28 pm, by

Here’s a new one from the Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor: Meet Sonny!  This handsome boy came to Friday Harbor all the way from Texas with his sister, Cher, when their owner passed away several months ago.   A concerned family member had visited our shelter before and wanted these beloved pets to come here,  Continue Reading

For Immediate Release…

Written on November 16, 2012 at 3:03 pm, by

Here’s a notice from the San Juan Island Library… Library to replace information system Library management, with support of the Board of Trustees, met recently to evaluate progress with the recent Library Information System migration. Major issues affecting patrons and staff have been addressed, but many remain, and it was judged, the vendor will not  Continue Reading

Review: “A Walk in the Woods” is a good one – don’t miss it!

Written on November 16, 2012 at 10:05 am, by

This is one you don’t want to miss. Watching Island Stage Left‘s fall offering “A Walk in the Woods” provides a flashback to the Cold War’s conversations in the arms race (and Soviet & US efforts to tone it down). Lee Blessing’s script doesn’t play the historical card, though….the reason the show won so many  Continue Reading

From the Mailbag…

Written on November 16, 2012 at 5:53 am, by

Let’s see what people are sending along for announcements…. OK, here’s a good one and wow this is cool: Our very own Dr. Michelle Reynolds of The Tooth Ferry dental office, has won a national design award. Outstanding Achievement for a New Dentist Practice. Check this out: +++++++++++++++++ And the Soroptimists sent this over:  Continue Reading

Macbeth with Lighthearted Twists

Written on November 15, 2012 at 6:09 am, by

Something wicked this way comes…along with a little song and dance, when San Juan Community Theatre’s Family Theatre presents Shakespeare’s Macbeth this Friday through Sunday, November 16-18. Some 60 island elementary school children as well as several parents (see cast list below) are featured in this story of ambition, power and treachery that maintains its  Continue Reading