Topic: Around Here


Written on October 9, 2009 at 4:48 pm, by

That fundraiser last week for Greg Sawyer raised over $17K, and also raised awareness about organ transplants & blood donations…as well as raising most people sense that we live in a pretty special place. Catherine, Hannah & Genevieve checked in this afternoon: Our outstanding community has done it again. A huge thank you to so  Continue Reading

A theater workshop for middle-schoolers & high school kids….

Written on October 9, 2009 at 3:45 pm, by

Helen at Island Stage Left says this is a great opportunity to get your feet into acting – and Krista does a great job! Here’s more: FREE TEEN WORKSHOP Island Stage Left  has created an ongoing, free, theatre workshop for teens,  designed to help young people develop self-expression, self-esteem, self-confidence and a greater understanding of  Continue Reading

Another cool thing about living here….

Written on October 9, 2009 at 2:37 pm, by

I love stories like this – here’s more from Carrie: Hi Ian, I wanted to share with you a personal experience I had on our island the other day. It truly shows why living here is great. I was quickly heading out of the house one morning to be picked up at the end of  Continue Reading

See ya at the Safety Fair!

Written on October 8, 2009 at 9:58 am, by

Carolyn over at the fire department wanted you & me to know the Safety Fair is happening THIS weekend – be sure & drop by & take both the kids & the kid in you: Safety Fair Saturday Filled with Fun Games, a coloring contest, a rescue demonstration, food and lots of fun are on  Continue Reading

New youth services librarian comes on-island…

Written on October 8, 2009 at 9:08 am, by

I got a chance to drop by yesterday & meet Melina Lagios, who started this week as the new assistant librarian. She last worked at the Iowa City Public Library, and told me that she was excited to be working in a place that’s both smaller & with a sense of community (yep, that would  Continue Reading

A must-see movie at the Palace…

Written on October 8, 2009 at 8:22 am, by

This is something that matters, and that most folks know so little about – where DOES our food come from? Aaron at the Palace has agreed to run Food, Inc. starting tomorrow, and it’s a great one. I found this bit in a review from Food, Inc., which opened in June 2009 in limited  Continue Reading

Odd Couple starts tonight!

Written on October 8, 2009 at 8:01 am, by

It’s Opening Night tonight for the Odd Couple at the Community Theatre…see ya there! Here’s more.

Nearly done….

Written on October 7, 2009 at 10:08 am, by

You’ve seen the construction along the airport’s fence on Mullis Street – that’s to provide emergency access to the field if needed, not to give you an easy way to cut over to the college (I know that’s what you were hoping)…. Airport manager Dave Ryan told me this morning that he’s expecting the project  Continue Reading

Island Stage Left could use a hand….

Written on October 7, 2009 at 7:43 am, by

Helen from Island Stage Left dropped me a note & wondered if you’d like to be part of the upcoming show – here’s what’s happening: Hello Ian, I wonder if you’d be kind enough to add the following message to your site: We have lost Thom Pence (who moved back east) and Malcolm (who is  Continue Reading

What’s happening at Duck Soup Inn….

Written on October 7, 2009 at 12:40 am, by

Just got a note from Anna Lisa about what DSI has going for the rest of the season, and it’s a lot! Here’s the deal: Hi Ian, I thought I should fill you in on the events at the Duck Soup Inn for the rest of our ’09 season. On the 14th of October  at  Continue Reading

New Chamber of Commerce executive director arrives….

Written on October 6, 2009 at 2:32 pm, by

I dropped down to the Chamber office this afternoon to say howdy to the new executive director, Vernadel, who was reviewing things with just-retired director Debbie Pigman. She strikes me as incredibly well-informed (she’d heard of the San Juan Update) & friendly to boot. Here’s more from Joy Sevier, this year’s Chamber Board prez: The  Continue Reading

Film about the war, this weekend….

Written on October 6, 2009 at 1:38 pm, by

Just heard about this film, which is getting good reviews as a discussion about our country’s involvement in Afghanistan – here’s the scoop: Screening and Discussion of Rethink Afghanistan on Saturday, October 10th at 6:00pm. Join us at the Library for a free screening and discussion of the film Rethink Afghanistan. This film “features experts  Continue Reading


Written on October 6, 2009 at 1:18 pm, by

My friend Kay Kohler sent me this little writeup about Kate Brooks, who owned Kensington Kennels & helped get the Animal Shelter going…Kate passed away last week in New Jersey. Her tireless work for women, especially, will be missed. Here’s more: Kate Johnson Brooks died on Thursday, October 1, due to complications from ovarian cancer  Continue Reading

Conor in France….

Written on October 6, 2009 at 12:53 am, by

Just got a note that FHHS junior Conor Lanphere’s year in France is going well…his mom Teri McPadden sent this photo of him with one of his classmates, Delphine last week.

Foxy, baby….

Written on October 5, 2009 at 5:10 pm, by

I heard from photographer Ken Olson the other day, who asked if I knew of folks around here who needed pictures – I wrote him & said sure, & could I post a couple of his…here’s what he says: Thanks for your response, I really enjoy the pictures you have posted and I would like  Continue Reading

Islands Village Faire photos….

Written on October 5, 2009 at 10:16 am, by

I ran into James Krall a few weeks ago & asked if he’d mind if I shared with you his cool pictures from the Village Faire in late August. He says no problem, so here they are (click here!) James has been a regular on those sunny days the FHHS girls soccer team plays, since  Continue Reading