Topic: Around Here

A little Ichiro…

Written on May 26, 2009 at 6:15 am, by

Debbi Fincher got to Seattle for a baseball game with her husband last weekend, the night Randy Johnson pitched: Hi Ian, Brad and I recently went to a Seattle Mariner’s game and enjoyed a “little” Ichiro… HA! We’ve always enjoyed seeing the different pictures you display on your website and the one in particular, you  Continue Reading

Vessel Assist NW is there for you…

Written on May 26, 2009 at 6:12 am, by

You’ve probably wondered what happens when your boat has a problem on the water… you’ll find out with John & Trish at Marine Services/Vessel Assist NW here to help. Here’s more from San Juan Islands TV:

A beautiful weekend…

Written on May 26, 2009 at 5:17 am, by

You knew I would say so, but so did Cindy from Mill Creek, who posted pictures of her trip to the island this past weekend on her blog called Haley’s Cottage. Her visit included Creme Brulee & Roche Harbor – check it out!

Join the Dive Club….

Written on May 22, 2009 at 8:25 pm, by

I’d like to be Under the sea…. Well here’s your chance…Peggy Long wanted you to know she & Kurt are bringing the island’s divers together: Introducing The San Juan Islands Dive Club! Join us May 28th at 6:00 pm for the inaugural meeting of The San Juan Islands Dive Club. The meeting will be held  Continue Reading

Encampment at the Historical Museum this weekend….

Written on May 22, 2009 at 1:22 pm, by

It’s like taking a trip back in time… Usually they do this in the latter part of the summer (and they will), but there’s a special chance to see this…this weekend. Here’s more from Kevin Loftus, of the museum: Encampment Weekend Saturday, May 23 & Sunday, May 24 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. San Juan  Continue Reading

It was forty years ago – the FHHS Class of ’69!

Written on May 22, 2009 at 6:59 am, by

Earlier this week, you saw the first grade class from 1957…here’s a scan from Wendy & Dave Picinich of the graduates from 40 years ago, with a note to help identify everyone – and ten folks from this class still live on the island! Here’s a much larger version of the picture (click here!) and  Continue Reading

Hair daze at Haley’s last Monday…

Written on May 22, 2009 at 6:44 am, by

Looks like they had quite a time at Haley’s on Monday night…click here (right here!) for a larger photo, and here’s what Sandy Buckey says: Last night (Monday), some of the hottest hair trends arrived on scene at Haley’s to celebrate Andrea Berlatsky’s birthday – and we all tried to make our favorite stylist proud.  Continue Reading

Relay for Life profile: Kristy Ayers

Written on May 22, 2009 at 4:20 am, by

People help out with Relay for Life for different reasons. Over the next few weeks, let’s hear from some of the folks who are doing the Relay this year. This week – let’s hear from Kristy Ayers, who is the online chairperson and her team is called Burnin’ For a Cure: Why I Relay: My  Continue Reading

The fifth Leadership San Juan Islands class graduates…

Written on May 22, 2009 at 4:15 am, by

Liz Illg tells me this happens next week…cool! Here’s more: Leadership San Juan Islands announces graduation for Class V at 4pm on Friday May 29th at Skagit Valley College in Friday Harbor. Graduates Angie Attwell, Kristy Ayers, Louise Carnachan, Owen Cheevers, Margie Doyle, Ethna Flanagan, Steve Gresham, Cheryl Harlan, Bettye Hendricksen, Barbara LaBrash, Learner Limbach,  Continue Reading

The Barn Dance – this weekend!

Written on May 22, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

Rev over at the County Fair has a big show on Saturday – here’s more: Put on your dancing shoes and come on out to the Big Spring Barn Dance and Community Fundraiser at the San Juan County Fairgrounds’ Main Building, Saturday, May 23 from 7-11pm. The Fabulous Rhythmatics will headline the night with their  Continue Reading

Get yer oysters!

Written on May 22, 2009 at 12:01 am, by

The farm’s open this weekend – here’s more from Kathleen: Hi Ian, Thought everyone might like to know that Westcott Bay Sea Farms will be opening on limited hours starting the weekend of May 22 thru May 25th, then Friday thru Sunday, until the 3rd week of June….we’ll go full time. Tides are low, and  Continue Reading

Jazz at the Labs – get your tickets!

Written on May 20, 2009 at 7:55 pm, by

My friend Rachel at the Marine Labs & I did a Vulcan mind meld – I was gonna post something about the Jazz at the Labs evening, and that SAME HOUR she sent me this writeup about everything! So, just like the Buddhist monk who went to the hot dog stand & said, “Make me  Continue Reading

Mary’s book is out!

Written on May 20, 2009 at 7:38 pm, by

I’m a huge fan of hers & I’ll bet you are, too – I enjoy reading Mary Kalbert’s columns in the Island Guardian & her clear-sighted view of the world, especially as it pertains to living on an island. Well, now she’s gone and made a book – here’s more from her press release: Local  Continue Reading

Cool cakes…

Written on May 20, 2009 at 6:27 pm, by

She makes such beautiful cakes & pastries & good stuff to eat – this is one of Felicity’s creations at Farmers’ Market last Saturday. Check out her website at !

Exuding dog-ness, and letting them stay….

Written on May 20, 2009 at 6:01 pm, by

Hey – have you ever wondered which places to stay on the island allow visitors to bring their dogs? Me, too… In this blog called “Dog Friendly Travel,” they mention Tucker House & the Earth Box Motel, while “Dog Jaunt” tells ya about their experiences with Lakedale. Check ’em out! -oo-

Passport rules for our Canadian friends… and us…

Written on May 20, 2009 at 6:01 pm, by

Canadians are gonna have to have a passport to enter the US starting June 1st…here’s more from the online paper in Victoria. -oo-