Team with Local Ties Wins World Series Championship!
Posted August 13, 2017 at 5:28 am by Peggy Sue McRae

Ferndale Champions Win World Series – Contributed Photo
Sean Morrison and Andrew James, two Ferndale team members with ties to San Juan Island, won the Cal Ripken 12U/60’ World Series Championship in Clemmons, No. Carolina on August 10.
Sean is the son of Orion Morrison and Maleka Hartman Morrison (both FHHS alumni), and grandson of Angie Morrison of San Juan Island and Mary Kaye Hartman Scott. He is also the great grandson of Doris and Howard Hartman, whom Hartman Field is named after.
Andrew James is the son of Rob James (also FHHS alumni).
Congratulations to the boys!
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Categories: Around Here, Sports
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