Jim Lett Retiring

Posted October 27, 2017 at 5:48 am by

Jim Lett with some of the grandkids in his “crowd.” – Contributed photo

OPALCO Board Member Jim Lett to Retire; Candidates Sought for Board Appointment

OPALCO Board Member Jim Lett has announced his retirement in order to spend more time with his “crowd of grandchildren.” Lett will retire on January 31, 2018 and the member Election & Governance Committee is seeking applications from candidates from District 3 (Lopez, Decatur, Center and Charles islands) interested in filling the vacancy. Applications are due November 20, 2017.

“We will miss Jim’s thoughtful and steadfast decision making,” said Foster Hildreth, General Manager. “Jim’s focus on safety and fiscal responsibility will continue to serve our co-op membership well for years to come.”

Lett joined the Board in 2009 and served as Board President in 2015-2016. He earned his Credentialed Cooperative Director Certification from the National Rural Electric Association and is an advocate for the cooperative difference. “Anyone interested in running for the OPALCO Board must be willing to take the time to understand and appreciate how a co-op works,” said Lett. “You need to balance running a safe and sound business with the co-op principles that guide us in the care of our membership and protection of our sensitive environment.”

During his tenure, Lett helped to shepherd in some major changes. “I’m most proud of our perseverance and ultimate success in delivering a broadband solution for San Juan County,” said Lett. “Kudos to my fellow Board members, Foster Hildreth and the whole team at OPALCO for their hard work and ingenuity to bring real world accessibility to everyone – while maintaining healthy financials and keeping the lights on.”

As for OPALCO’s future, Lett is confident that the member Election & Governance Committee is on track to cultivate the most qualified board members and gives top marks to the current Board for their dedication, accomplishment and commitment to serving the membership. “The industry is rapidly changing,” said Lett, “board members must be sharp to keep up with the coming challenges: building local resilience with the community solar projects and strengthening our system in the islands and on the mainland.”

Applications will be accepted for this open position through November 20, 2017. Candidates must be a resident of District 3 as evidenced by an OPALCO membership with a residential meter in their name. For full requirements, please see OPALCO Bylaws, Article III, Section 2. The Board will appoint this position upon recommendation from the member Elections & Governance Committee (EGC). Candidate will serve the unexpired portion of the term; the next election cycle for District 3 falls in 2019. To apply, please send cover letter and OPALCO Application for Board of Director Positions to the EGC c/o Bev Madan: bmadan@opalco.com.

The deadline for board applicants is November 20, 2017. The application, reference documents and more info can be found in the Resource Library at www.opalco.com.

Orcas Power & Light Cooperative (OPALCO) is our member-owned cooperative electric utility, serving more than 11,000 members on 20 islands in San Juan County. OPALCO provides electricity that is 95% greenhouse-gas free and is generated predominantly by hydroelectric plants. OPALCO was founded in 1937. Follow OPALCO: @orcaspower, on Facebook at OrcasPower and online at www.opalco.com.

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Categories: Business, Energy, People

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