SJI Women’s Fund Honors Mariluz Villa, Remembers Joyce Sobel

Posted July 2, 2019 at 10:48 am by

Dr. Carolyn Haugen awards the 2019 Joyce L. Sobel Achievement Award to Dr. Mariluz Villa at the Women’s Fund Luncheon – SJICF photo

The Joyce L. Sobel Achievement Award was created by the Women’s Fund to honor Joyce’s legacy of service to the community. Joyce started many programs for those who had a need, most notably the SJI Family Resource Center, and she spent countless hours supporting children and families of the Island. It was a true loss to the island community when she passed away early last year.

Dr. Carolyn Haugen, recipient of the first annual Joyce L. Sobel Achievement Award, presented the second annual award to Dr. Mariluz Villa.

Mariluz graduated from Stanford University’s School of Medicine with an M.D. in 1986. She dedicated her entire professional career to the fields of geriatric medicine and hospice care. For many years she has managed Hospice of San Juan and served as the medical director of Fire Station 37.

She has also held leadership positions in the San Juan Islands Agricultural Guild, the SJI Women’s Fund, Brown Island’s Homeowners Association, the Community Health Improvement Consortium, and the Community Health Board of Peace Island Medical Center.

The SJI Women’s Fund was formed in 2003 as a collective giving model to help women participate in philanthropy and make a greater local impact by pooling their funds. It is structured as a donor-advised fund held by the San Juan Island Community Foundation. Membership is $100 per year and is tax deductible. To learn more, or to join the Women’s Fund, visit or contact Susan West, the Coordinator, at [email protected].

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