Island Senior: Be Proactive for a Healthy Happy Winter

Posted October 1, 2020 at 2:17 pm by

Editor’s Note – This story is being re-posted with corrected information. The flu shot clinic at the Mullis Center will actually be on Thursday the 15th from 1:30pm to 4pm. *Not* the 13th as previously posted.

Island Senior is a regular column on the San Juan Update written by Peggy Sue McRae…

As we enjoy these sunny autumn days, one way to ward off winter blues is to proactively plan for a healthy, happy winter. It was early spring when covid-19 came into our lives stubbornly refusing to leave.  The fact that there is still no end in sight is a good reason to plan ahead. Here are a few suggestions for staying healthy and happy on into and through the coming winter months.

Plan on Staying Home: The Washington State Coronavirus Response recommendation is that staying home is still the best way to stay safe. Most of us still need to go out, when we do they recommend keeping it quick, keeping your distance, staying local and limiting the number of people outside of your household that you see in a week. Plus of course, wear a mask and wash your hands. Planning accordingly, at least for the near future, may save some disappointments.

The Mullis Center – Peggy Sue McRae photo

Get a Flu shot:  First of all stay healthy. The good news is that if you are diligently practicing safe covid-19 protocol you will also be protecting yourself from seasonal flu. The bad news is that with similar symptoms it can initially be hard to tell the difference and make diagnosis more challenging. Flu plus covid-19 could overwhelm our medical resources.

It is easy enough to eliminate the flu factor by getting a flu shot.  Make an appointment with your health practitioner or plan to take advantage of a Drive-Through Flu Vaccination Clinic at the Mullis Center on Thursday, October 15 from 1:30 to 4 pm. There is no need to pre-register. You can stay in your vehicle. Bring your insurance card and ID or $40 cash or check. Wear a mask and be prepared to bare your arm.  Nurses from Eventide Health will administer the vaccinations. “Think of it as essential to get a flu vaccine this year,” said Dr. Kathy Lofy, Washington State Health Officer. “We should all get a flu vaccine now to help protect ourselves and our communities as we navigate this pandemic together.”

Rosa Blair – Contributed photo

Get support: Due to the pandemic the Mullis Center is offering more online programs for seniors. A new senior support group will begin on Wednesday, October 7 at 1:00 pm. Enjoy meaningful connection with others in an online group facilitated by Rosa Blair, Mental Health Counselor and caring community member. Rosa’s gentle grounded guidance is truly an asset to our community. Contact Anna at the Mullis Center for more information and for the Zoom log-in.

Katerina Wen – Contributed photo

Get some gentle exercise: Also through the Mullis Center a new Zoom class with Katerina Wen, Wellness Happy Hour – “a joyful movement class to improve your quality of life, brighten your mood, sharpen your mind, and lighten your heart.”

This is a FREE drop-in class for Mullis Center members. You cannot go wrong with this opportunity. Again, contact Anna at the Mullis Center for more information and the Zoom log-in.

Jump Off Creek by Molly Gloss


Read a book: Books are a fantastic way to travel through both time and space while staying home. Due to the pandemic the Mullis Center Bookclub meets via Zoom and its membership remains fluid enough that drop-ins are always welcome.  We will be discussing The Jump Off Creek by Molly Gloss on Monday, October 12 at 1:15 pm. Librarian, Beth Helstien moderates the discussion. If you’d like to join us send Beth an email at for the Zoom log-in. Coming up November 9 we will talk about Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman.

Be Kind: Start by giving yourself a break. These are challenging times. Then, if you can help someone else, even in the smallest of ways, to best of your ability do it. Through kindness to one another we will make it through these times together. Remember, we may be isolated but we are not alone.

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