Zylstra Lank Preserve Offers 70-acre Agricultural Hay Lease
Posted March 14, 2021 at 5:30 am by Hayley Day
From San Juan County Land Bank
The San Juan County Land Bank is requesting proposals from anyone interested in a short-term agricultural hay rental agreement of the Zylstra Lake Preserve Property on San Juan Island. The property has approximately 70 acres of hay pasture.
Individuals or organizations interested in this lease should go to the Land Bank website for the Request for Proposals and supporting materials at sjclandbank.org/news.
Alternately, call Charlie Behnke at 360-830-7340 or email charlieb@sjclandbank.org for further information or to schedule a site visit. Applications are due March 26.
Arrendamiento de Agrícola para Heno de 70 acres. Para solicitar una traducción en español, contacto por charlieb@sjclandbank.org. Enviar solicitudes por el 26 de marzo de 2021.
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