Orcas Power & Light Cooperative survey results are in showing 91% of members are satisfied, more hope to gain through energy savings, and Internet services are a hot topic. OPLCO is listening to its members. A web-based member satisfaction survey was recently offered to all 11,281 members in exchange for a $5 bill credit. Participation Continue Reading
Recent Posts by Peggy Sue

Historical Society’s Patos Lighthouse Tour
August 26, 2014 at 5:45 am
Join in for a full day trip on Saturday, September 13th, to Patos Island and the opportunity to tour the historic 1893 lighthouse. Docents from the Keepers of the Patos Light will be on hand to provide information where you will learn the history of the lighthouse along with the legends and lore of the island. Continue Reading

Historic Preservation Board Seeks Candidate
August 26, 2014 at 5:40 am
Recognize this street? This is Friday Harbor’s Spring Street in 1917. If you have an interest in the people, trends and events that have shaped our town over time, Friday Harbor’s Historic Preservation Review Board is looking for a candidate to fill an opening on the board. Says Historic Preservation Coordinator, Sandy Strehlou, “The Town of Continue Reading

Fire Rescue: An Opportunity to Serve
August 25, 2014 at 5:45 am
If you’ve ever wanted to make a meaningful contribution to our community, Sheila Harley from San Juan Island Fire Rescue has an opportunity for you to consider. Sheila sent us this photo hoping to spark some interest in attracting volunteers who would rather see their own face dressed up in firefighting gear than this poor, Continue Reading

Pet of the Week
August 25, 2014 at 5:40 am
Annie came to us several months ago when her owner passed away unexpectedly. She is quite possibly the nicest, gentlest cat we’ve had here at the shelter and we think you’ll agree. Sadly, she was declawed at some point in her life and as a result she tends to be somewhat shy and tends to Continue Reading

Weaving Weekend at English Camp Aug 2 & 3
July 29, 2014 at 3:59 pm
Weavers from throughout San Juan Island and Washington State will gather for the weekend to demonstrate how European and American Indian techniques melded to create woven objects and clothing unique to the Pacific Northwest. Cowlitz Nation weaver Judy Bridges and renowned Washington State storyteller Karen Haas will join San Juan Islanders Roger Ellison and Anita Continue Reading

Friends of the Library Summer Book Sale: August 1 & 2
July 26, 2014 at 5:36 am
Shop for bargains galore! The Friends of the San Juan Island Library’s annual summer book sale will be held this year at the San Juan Island Library, 1010 Guard Street. Please note that this is a new venue for the summer sale. Opening night on Friday, August 1, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, is limited to Friends of Continue Reading

Harbor Seal Pup Alert
July 24, 2014 at 12:03 pm
Here’s a Note From Wolf Hollow… Please remind your friends and neighbors that if they see a Harbor Seal pup on its own on the shore and it appears to be injured or weak, they shouldn’t touch it, move it or try to get it into the water. They should keep people and dogs away Continue Reading
Meanwhile, at the gonpa…
January 31, 2011 at 1:13 am
San Juan Island’s Tibetan Buddhist Retreat Center Did you know there is a Tibetan Buddhist Retreat center on San Juan Island? Yes, tucked away up on the top of Mount Dallas amid mossy knolls and misty woods, Sakya Kachod Choling center has been quietly offering retreats and teachings since 1986. The center is under the Continue Reading
Bette Davis…this weekend!
December 3, 2010 at 12:21 am
Tonight at 6:30 local actor and playwright Therese Finn kicks off a three-part Bette Davis Film Festival at the library with Dark Victory, Miss Davis’s own favorite of her many films co-starring Humphrey Bogart and Ronald Reagan. On Saturday Therese will show A Stolen Life, a film Bette not only produced but also stars in Continue Reading
Recent Comments by Peggy Sue
- February 8, 2022 on Clouds across the Strait
- September 5, 2020 on Granny’s Cove, Grandma’s Cove, or the Sandy Beach?
- September 2, 2020 on A Salute to Teachers and the Last Cow in Friday Harbor
- March 28, 2020 on EDC Launches Islands Strong Gift Card Website Initiative
- March 26, 2020 on San Juan Islands and Washington State Stay at Home Orders: Frequently Asked Questions