Topic: Around Here

New place for The Computer Place….

Written on July 13, 2009 at 5:47 am, by

  It’s not hard to find where Paul moved The Computer Place to…he’s now located on the other side of San Juan Fitness. After years on the up-Argyle Street side of the health club in the spot where George & Milene Johnson got it started, Paul moved last month to the spot vacated last winter  Continue Reading

Splash of Summer Color… this weekend!

Written on July 13, 2009 at 12:49 am, by

The Arts Fair downtown next to the Courthouse and the Lavender Festival all take off this weekend on Saturday & Sunday – see ya there! Here’s more about the Arts Fair (click here!) and the Lavender Festival (click here!) And…a quick note: Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Debbie Pigman tells me three of their signs  Continue Reading

Presentation: Northwest Native culture in art & song…

Written on July 10, 2009 at 9:19 am, by

Beth from the Library says this is going to be an engaging show: In Creation the Raven Sings at Grange Hall on July 12 at 2:00 p.m. On Sunday, July 12 from 2-3 p.m., acclaimed Northwest Coast Native artists Rande Cook and Francis Dick will bring their culture alive by connecting the elements of art  Continue Reading

He’s back in the States…

Written on July 10, 2009 at 7:41 am, by

Spoke to islander Allison Longley last night, and she confirmed that her son, former islander & documentary-Oscar-near-winner James Longley, has arrived yesterday back in the States. Here’s an interview he gave about a month ago from Iran, where he was briefly detained after the elections.

The Class of 1979 comes together…

Written on July 10, 2009 at 6:14 am, by

Last weekend the FHHS Class of ’79 came together for the holiday & the folks who went told me it was great to see everyone….here’s a picture that’s a little bigger than the one above (click here). Thanks to Marilyn Corrie for getting me the shot & the photo identifications! Here’s a picture from kindergarten  Continue Reading

Moving up & over to Anacortes…

Written on July 10, 2009 at 5:59 am, by

It was good to run into Ann Larsen & Eli Bailey the other night at Haley’s….Ann tells me she’s switched jobs lately – she has been serving as County Council clerk, but has lately agreed to look after Kevin Ranker’s Anacortes office now that he’s state senator for Skagit, San Juan, and a chunk of  Continue Reading

This weekend at the Naked Bean….

Written on July 10, 2009 at 5:45 am, by

Tonight at the Naked Bean, Billy will be hosting an open-mike Poetry Reading starting at 7pm…I’ve already heard from several poets around here who are dropping by, so it should be a nice evening. Bring your latest poems by to share, or come to listen. See you there! Then, Saturday night, I’ll be singing from  Continue Reading

So, you need a cat….

Written on July 10, 2009 at 5:41 am, by

Po Powell tells me she remembers when she was a child on San Juan in the summers, “we would sit in front of Kings Market with a box full of kittens and they would all be gone by the end of the day.” Now she & Josiah are wondering if you’d like to help them  Continue Reading

New sign….

Written on July 10, 2009 at 4:50 am, by

Can’t miss it now…that’s a nice new wooden sign Michael Horn has in front of his office on Spring Street, across from Spring Street International School & Harbour at the Village.

Music on the Lawn went great…

Written on July 10, 2009 at 4:38 am, by

It was fun to drop by the Music on the Lawn at the Historical Museum on Wednesday & see all the folks dancing….here’s more from Recreation Director Sally Thomsen at Island Rec: Hi, Ian! Despite the dreary weather over 150 people attended Island Rec’s Music on the Lawn free concert last night. The crowded enjoyed  Continue Reading

Relay for Life profiles: Brian & Rachel Goodremont

Written on July 10, 2009 at 12:30 am, by

In our ongoing series about people who are in this year’s Relay for Life – this week, it’s Brian & Rachel: My wife, Rachel, and I walk in memory of my mother Lynda, and all those who have lost loved ones to cancer.  We also walk for the survivors who are fighting. We walk in  Continue Reading

Celebrate Mike’s show with the Ale House

Written on July 9, 2009 at 2:56 pm, by

You already know that Mike Vouri is doing his final performance at General Pickett this weekend (a few tickets remain – call now at the Community Theatre), but there’s more – here’s more from Oren at the Front Street Ale House for Saturday night: 10% discount Friday evening for The Life & Times of General  Continue Reading

Sparkly clean…now’s your chance!

Written on July 9, 2009 at 2:30 pm, by

Get it clean! This weekend, you have a lot to do, but one thing you don’t have to do is wash the car. Here’s why, from Corey at Islanders – let them do it for you: Islander’s Bank Relay for Life Team invites everyone to the Islanders Bank Parking Lot at 225 Blair Ave. for  Continue Reading

Pictures from the Fourth, revisited…

Written on July 9, 2009 at 8:12 am, by

A number of you have written in saying you wanted to find those pictures we took for the Fourth of July (heck, there’s 250+ of ’em, and you ARE in there, probably). It’s easy – click here to see ’em! – and see the smiling faces from last weekend’s sunny day (that’s Jenny from Whale  Continue Reading

Where the new hospital is going to be…

Written on July 8, 2009 at 9:04 am, by

Just got a note from Brien Lautman at PeaceHealth that they’ve got a signed purchase agreement for a 22-acre site, located just across the way from the entrance to the airport, on San Juan Valley Road, just as you leave Town. Here’s more: Site Chosen for New San Juan Island Integrated Medical Center and Critical  Continue Reading

Music on the Lawn is tonight, no matter what…

Written on July 8, 2009 at 7:29 am, by

Hey, I checked with Sally at Island Rec and she says that tonight is the opening of the summer’s Music on the Lawn series on Wednesday nights, and things get rolling with the Jim Basnight Band (click here for more – these guys played at Roche Harbor last weekend, and they’re great). Far as I  Continue Reading