Topic: Government

Primary Election Notes
Written on May 5, 2016 at 5:42 am, by Tim Dustrude
Attention Voters, The May 24, 2016, Presidential Primary ballots were mailed to military and overseas voters on April 8th. The remainder of ballots was mailed Tuesday, May 3rd. Voting a Presidential Primary ballot is a bit different than other elections so be sure to read all instructions before marking your ballot. You can learn when Continue Reading

Deadline Monday for Sunken Park Poetry Contest
Written on May 2, 2016 at 10:01 am, by Tim Dustrude
Town of Friday Harbor Arts Commission sponsors poetry contest Local writers are invited to submit poems inspired by the natural beauty of San Juan Island for the Sunken Park Poetry Contest sponsored by the Friday Harbor Arts Commission. The winner will read the selected poem at the unveiling of a Town of Friday Harbor mural Continue Reading

FHFF Presents: Unbranded
Written on April 30, 2016 at 5:43 am, by Tim Dustrude
Friday Harbor Film Festival Winter Series: Audience Choice Presents: Unbranded Directed by Phil Baribeau, Unbranded is an in-between-college-and-real-life adventure that makes the case for better land and wild horse management. After adopting a group of wild mustangs from the Bureau of Land Management, a small group of recent college grads decide to live out their Continue Reading

Board Sets EMS Levy
Written on April 29, 2016 at 5:56 am, by Tim Dustrude
As expected, the public hospital district board voted Wednesday evening to submit a 50 cents per thousand EMS (Emergency Medical Services) levy to the voters at the August 2 election. The vote to do so was unanimous. Vividly aware that two previous levies have failed, board members vowed to pare the budget as much as Continue Reading

Let’s Talk Tourism
Written on April 29, 2016 at 5:37 am, by Tim Dustrude
The following is a Guest Editorial by Barbara Marrett of the visitor’s bureau… The first week in May is National Travel & Tourism Week, created to champion the power of travel to enhance communities across the country by contributing to the local economy and overall quality of life. In the past, I’ve used this opportunity Continue Reading

Town Construction Update
Written on April 27, 2016 at 4:42 pm, by Tim Dustrude
Spring Street Utility Replacement Project Construction Update April 27, 2016 This is a construction update from the town on what to expect today through the remainder of the week… The Spring Street Utility Replacement Project has reached its final phase. The majority of sidewalk repairs are complete, utilities are connected from the new main to individual Continue Reading

Park-and-Ride Coming to Orcas Village Ferry Terminal
Written on April 21, 2016 at 5:16 pm, by Tim Dustrude
San Juan County Public Works (SJCPW) has been awarded a $760,000 grant by Washington State Department of Transportation which will be used to provide safe parking for Orcas Island ferry users. The funds will go toward designing and constructing a park-and-ride facility; the first of its kind for San Juan County. An overwhelming need exists Continue Reading

Mayor Lacher Proclaims May is EDS Awareness Month
Written on April 21, 2016 at 5:56 am, by Tim Dustrude
Affected Friday Harbor Residents See Promise in Educational Promotion This month is “Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Awareness Month” on San Juan Island, thanks to last week’s proclamation made by Mayor Carrie Lacher. The proclamation comes as due relief to the Washingtonians who struggle through each day coping with the effects of the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). Lacher agreed to Continue Reading

Parade Theme Announced
Written on April 19, 2016 at 4:02 pm, by Tim Dustrude
2016’s Friday Harbor 4th Of July Parade Theme Announced San Juan Island’s Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce the theme for the 2016 Independence Day Parade in Friday Harbor: “America the Beautiful… 100 Years of National Parks!” The National Park Service turns 100 years of age in 2016 and San Juan Island is excited to Continue Reading

Accessible Voting
Written on April 19, 2016 at 5:45 am, by Tim Dustrude
– This is the fourth in a series of articles about elections in Washington State by San Juan County Auditor F. Milene Henley. The County Auditor administers elections and voter registration in the County. Voting is for everyone. That may seem obvious, but if you’re blind, or have mobility or mental competency issues, it may Continue Reading
New Website for SJ County
Written on April 15, 2016 at 9:57 am, by Tim Dustrude
New San Juan County Website Goes Live San Juan County’s new website went live on April 11th. The new website makes it easier to navigate and find information, conduct business on-line, and be kept abreast of news and alerts affecting county residents and businesses. Check it out! Visit