Articles tagged with: Island Rec

Maddie Ovenell New Island Rec Director
Written on August 8, 2015 at 1:35 am, by Tim Dustrude
Island Rec’s Board of Commissioners is pleased to announce that Maddie Ovenell has been selected as the new Director for Island Rec. The hiring committee received many applications from across the country and after conducting interviews the first week of August, the board unanimously agreed that Ovenell was the right person for the job. Ovenell Continue Reading
Lots of cake – Happy Birthday, Island Rec!
Written on July 31, 2009 at 11:19 am, by Ian Byington
Music on the Lawn was especially sweet his week, as Island Rec celebrated its 25th anniversary with a cake contest – here’s more from Director Sally Thomsen: Cake Baking and Cake Decorating Contest winners’ announced! Island Rec celebrated its 25th anniversary of People, Parks and Program at its free summer concert series, Music on the Continue Reading
The Children’s Festival – one of the best ever!
Written on May 3, 2009 at 12:01 am, by Ian Byington
One of the great things about going to the Children’s Festival is…ya never want to leave. There is so much to see and do there – so Josie and I shot a bunch of pictures and made a 80-photo portfolio (click here) so you could get the idea (if you weren’t there) and so you Continue Reading
The Children's Festival – one of the best ever!
Written on May 3, 2009 at 12:01 am, by Ian Byington
One of the great things about going to the Children’s Festival is…ya never want to leave. There is so much to see and do there – so Josie and I shot a bunch of pictures and made a 80-photo portfolio (click here) so you could get the idea (if you weren’t there) and so you Continue Reading
Easter eggs in the dark….
Written on April 11, 2009 at 2:51 am, by Ian Byington
Abby at Island Rec asked me to tell you to bring extra batteries: Hi Ian! Just wanted to remind you that this Saturday is Island Rec’s Teen Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt! 8:30pm at the High School Track. Bring a flashlight and a bag to carry all your goodies home in. This is open to all Continue Reading
Getting sports back in the schools….
Written on March 12, 2009 at 3:41 pm, by Ian Byington
Just received this note from schools superintendent Michael Soltman….as you know, the school board cut the funding for school-funded sports last week. Now, the schools are looking for another entity to work with on this, so they’re getting a campaign ready to reach their goals, with Island Rec. Here’s more: Island Rec and SJISD Announce Continue Reading