San Juan County Announces 2020 Funding Round for Home Fund Program
Posted June 19, 2020 at 8:06 am by Tim Dustrude
San Juan County Health & Community Services wishes to announce to eligible organizations the County’s intention to release a Notice of Funds Available (NOFA) for a 2020 funding round for the Home Fund program. The County intends to release this NOFA on July 1, 2020 with responses being accepted through August 5, 2020.
Applications will be solicited in order to establish a list of projects for funding in 2020. This is the second year this funding is being made available. Eligible activities for this funding round include acquisition, building, rehabilitation, and maintenance of housing for very low, low, and moderate-income persons and those with special needs, including both rental and home ownership housing.
Eligible organizations include nonprofit agencies, housing authorities, private for-profit developers with experience developing, owning or managing affordable housing, and public agencies.
San Juan County is making $1,200,000 available for the 2020 funding round, with awards expected to be announced by the County Council in late Fall 2020. Health & Community Services will be scheduling and conducting digital information meetings with interested parties who want to learn more about the application process for the Home Fund program.
Application forms and the Home Fund more information is available on the Home Fund webpage. To schedule a pre-application meeting on behalf of an eligible organization, or for more information on the Home Fund, the 2020 funding round or the NOFA please contact Housing Program Coordinator Ryan Page at, or visit the Home Fund webpage
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Categories: Government, Real Estate
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